Display History Wizard
The Display History wizard is used to display history records for a specified outreach user.
To display an outreach user’s history
In the History Information and Maintenance group, click the Display History wizard. |
In the User Search window, scan the user’s barcode, or change the search criteria in the Index field and click Search. |
You can restrict your user search to a certain library, or library group, by selecting the library’s name, or group name, in the Library list. You may also click Current to accept the most recently viewed or modified user.
When the List of Users displays, select a user, and click Display History. |
When the List of History Records displays, highlight the record in the list you want to view and click Display History. |
The History Tab displays the history record with such information as history count, title, author, status and charging and shipping information.
After reviewing the history record(s), you can select one of the following options.
Display Another User’s History to return to the User Search window. |
Return to List to return to the List of History Records window. (This option displays only if the user has more than one history record, and you displayed one of the records). |
Close to exit the wizard. |
Related topics
Display History Wizard Properties
Outreach Records
FAQs: Creating and Displaying History Records