Reserve Desk Wizard

The Reserve Desk policy defines the location of reserve copies as well as explains how to circulate the reserve copies. Reserve Desk policy names are used as values in the Desk field in reserve control records. A standard Reserve Desk policy is delivered with each SirsiDynix Symphony system configured with the Academic Reserves module.

From the List Policies window, you can create, display, modify, copy, or remove the Reserve Desk policies. Click Close to exit the wizard.


The Reserve Desk policy contains several attributes that define characteristics of the reserve collection associated with this policy. The attributes also provide circulation and location information for items at the reserve desk.

The Reserve Desk policy displays the following attributes.


This attribute uniquely identifies a Reserve Desk policy. This name is ten characters or less, and may not include spaces or punctuation, except for dash (-), underscore (_), and dollar sign ($). Additionally, the pipe character (|) may not be used.


This attribute provides more information about the policy and its use by the library. The description may be up to 60 characters in length. Although the Description attribute may contain spaces and punctuation, the pipe character (|) cannot be used.

User ID

This attribute contains the reserve desk’s User ID; a user record must be created with this ID. The user record must be assigned the user profile, RESERVE, which is a delivered policy. It is recommended that the User ID value match the Reserve Desk policy name. Use the User Search gadget to select a user ID.


This attribute allows the location of a reserve copy to be specified when it has been placed on reserve; this value must match a Location policy. When a copy is placed on reserve, a Location policy must exist for the reserve desk associated with that copy. The Location policy RESERVES is delivered with each SirsiDynix Symphony system configured to use the Academic Reserves module.

For example, items located at the Main Library reserve desk must be associated with the MAIN-RESV Location policy.

A Location policy type, RESERVE, must be assigned to all reserve user locations. This Location policy attribute allows copies at the owning library to be charged to a reserve desk at another library. Select a location from the list. The Location Policy helper (Location Wizard) is available for creating a new location or modifying an existing one, if needed.


This attribute allows the name of the reserve desk’s library to be specified. This value must match a Library policy. Select a library from the list. The Library Policy helper (Library Wizard) is available for modifying an existing Library policy if needed.

Overdue Block

Select this attribute to indicate that a user with overdue reserve charges should be blocked from charging additional reserve items from this reserve collection.

Reservation Unavailable

This attribute lists the hours during which reservations can not be made even though the Reserve Desk is open. Use the Reservation Unavailable Gadget to select the hours in which reservations are not available.

Note: For more information, see FAQs: Defining Academic Reserves Reservations Policies.

Alternate Rules

This section contains the following attributes.

Allow (Alternate Rules)

This attribute allows an alternate circulation rule to be used. If this check box is selected, an alternate circulation rule may be used when a copy is charged or renewed from the reserve collection within a set time of the reserve desk closing time.

Note: It is recommended that the alternate circulation rule applied make items due after the Reserve Desk opens in the morning.

Automatically Applied (Alternate Rules)

This attribute specifies whether SirsiDynix Symphony should automatically apply the alternate circulation rule or not. If selected, SirsiDynix Symphony will automatically apply the alternate circulation rule from the item’s reserve control record whenever a copy is charged or renewed from the reserve collection within a set time of the reserve desk closing time and a manual circulation rule is not supplied. If the Automatically Applied attribute is cleared, an alternate circulation rule can be manually defined when the reserved item is charged if the reserve control record allows a manually defined alternate circulation rule.

Not Allowed Until [ ] Minutes Before Closing

This attribute specifies the number of minutes (0-10,080) before the reserve desk closes that the alternate circulation rule may be applied. Alternate circulation rules are defined in reserve control records.

Desk Hours

This attribute lists the standard operation hours that the reserve desk is open. Use the Desk Hours Gadget to select the reserve desk hours.

Roll Due Date

This section contains the following attributes.


Use this attribute to indicate whether or not the due date should roll forward or backward in time if it falls at a time that the reserve desk or library is closed.

Number of Minutes

If the Forward or Backward option is selected, type the number of minutes to roll the due date forward or backward. If Forward, the item will be due this number of minutes after the reserve desk opens again. If Backward, the item will be due this number of minutes before the reserve desk closes.

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