Reservation Unavailable Gadget
Use the Reservation Unavailable gadget to indicate days/times reservations are unavailable when the Reserve Desk is open.
To indicate days/times reservations are unavailable
In the Reservation Unavailable box, click the gadget.  |
To add a day time range for when the reservations are unavailable, select a day of the week from list in the From text box, and type the opening hour in the At box to the right. Select AM or PM by clicking the up or down arrow. |
To add the ending time, select the day of the week from the Until list, and type a closing hour in the At box to the right. Select AM or PM by clicking the up or down arrow. |
Click Add to add the day and hour range to the list of reservation unavailable hours. The day and time range is added to the displayed lists in both the From and Until areas. |
To modify a day or time range, select the day and time in the From or Until window area. The From, At, and Until fields can then be modified for the selected day and date range. Click Update to save your changes. |
To remove a day or time range, select the day and time in the From or Until window area, and then click Remove. |
You cannot enter hours in military time. The maximum hour number the gadget will allow is 12. For example, you can type 11:59 PM, but not 23:59.