Reserve Configuration Wizards
The Academic Reserves module maintains a special collection of materials circulated to a specific set of users, usually students in specific courses. These courses are specified in the Course Term policy. The physical location of circulation reserve material is usually restricted to the library itself. The loan period of reserve materials is often short to allow access to the largest number of students.
All reserve materials must be linked with a reserve control record. The reserve control record is linked to the item record using the copy’s call number or item ID; this reserve control record contains information about the associated Reserve Desk policy and circulation rule. Each reserve control record is linked with individual instructor/course reserve records, which are linked with instructor and course records.
The Reserves policies allow the library to define periods of time when courses may require reserved items as well as information about the location and circulation of these reserved items.
• | Course Extended Information Format Wizard |
• | Course Term Wizard |
• | Reservations Profile Wizard |
• | Reserve Desk Wizard |
• | Reserve Extended Information Format Wizard |
Policy lists and policy values can be downloaded to files on your workstation. See the Export Policies Helper topic for more information.

Only one user at a time can work with policies. This is a safeguard to prevent users from modifying the same policy at the same time.
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