Format Wizards

The Format policies define the name of the format, the record type, the way the format will be used (purpose), the type and amount of record information displayed, and whether the format can have call numbers and copies attached. A list of entries or tags appropriate for the format is also included in the policy. How these entries are displayed, created, and edited is determined by the information in the Format policy’s Entries tabs.

The Format policy controls the editing, data validation, and indexing of all fields in bibliographic and holdings records and extended information fields in every record used in SirsiDynix Symphony. A Format policy is a list of entries allowed to be used by a given record, along with the characteristics of each entry. One example of a Format policy would be SERIAL, for MARC serial records. An example of an entry in the SERIAL format would be the 245 field, which contains the serial’s title. Each entry has characteristics; for instance, the 245 entry has a list of valid subfields that may be used. Format entry descriptions may be fully maintained by the SirsiDynix Symphony administrator. Entries may be added to and removed from Format policies, and the display, labeling, indexing, and data validation characteristics of any given entry may be modified.


For language localization, all labels in SirsiDynix Symphony are defined as label variables, instead of using the literal text. Whenever a Format policy is displayed or edited, the appropriate label variable appears instead of the literal text of the label.

For example, labels are defined as variables in the configuration files, such as this label for the 245 entry in the MARC Format policy.

Label : $<cat_usmarc_245v1>

The actual text displayed by the variable is defined in the label file for the language being used by the system. The label file is located in the /Unicorn/Language/Deliv/[Language] directory. For English language deliveries, for instance, the full path of the labels file is /Unicorn/Language/Deliv/English/labels. To modify the text used in a field label, the label file must be modified to include the new text.

Modifications made to labels files in the /Unicorn/Language/Deliv/[Language] path will be overwritten when SirsiDynix Symphony is updated or upgraded. Any modification to label files should be made in the /Unicorn/Language/Custom/[Language] path.


Formats are grouped by their use.

Before prompting for the purpose of the Format, SirsiDynix Symphony examines the modules installed on the system and prompts only with format purposes that are necessary for modules on the system. For example, if the Authority Control module is not configured on the system, the Formats used for Authority and Authority Extended Information will not appear.

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