MARC Holdings Format Wizard

MARC Holdings Format policies control the display, editing, and data validation of all fields in MARC holdings records used in SirsiDynix Symphony. A MARC Holdings Format policy lists entries allowed to be used in a MARC holdings record, along with the characteristics of each entry. When creating or editing a holdings record, SirsiDynix Symphony prompts you only with appropriate MARC holdings format choices at any place on the system where the format policy is presented.

The BIBHOLD MARC holdings-purpose Format policy is delivered. Although other MARC holding formats can be created, only the first format will be used when you add new MARC holdings. For detailed information about MARC holdings, see the Library of Congress document “MARC 21 Concise Format for MARC Holdings Data” (

The BIBHOLD format includes the 856 electronic access tag. This tag displays in the MARC Holdings information when viewing detailed item information in the e-Library. Clicking the 856 displays the associated electronic resource. The 856 also displays when viewing the MARC Holdings tab in the Item Search and Display wizard and the Display a Serial Control wizard.

From List Policies window, you can create, display, modify, copy, or remove the MARC Holdings Format policies. Click Close to exit the wizard.

Selecting a MARC Holdings Format policy displays the following tabs:

Click these tabs for more information about the MARC Holdings Format policy attributes.

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