Authority Extended Information Format Wizard

Extended Information Format policies control the display, editing, and data validation of all extended information fields in every type of record used in SirsiDynix Symphony. A format is a list of entries allowed to be used by a given type of record, along with the characteristics of each entry. The AUTHORITYX Format policy is used to define the Authority Extended Information entries.

Only one authority extended information format is delivered. You cannot create, copy, or remove this format.

The Add Authority and Duplicate Authority wizards contain a default display property for you to indicate whether or not to add extended information to the authority record. If the Extended Info default display property is selected, an Extended Information tab will appear. You can modify the format of these fields on this tab using the Authority Extended Information Format wizard.

Click the Authority Extended Information Format wizard, and the following tabs appear. Modify attributes on these tabs as needed.

The following Authority Extended Information Format entries are delivered.


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