Checkin Bookdrop Items Wizard Properties

You can change current system settings in the Checkin Bookdrop Items wizard using the Set Properties window. The Checkin Bookdrop Items wizard allows you to set the following properties.

Display Property Page

You can choose when to display the Checkin Bookdrop Items wizard’s Set Properties window by selecting one of the following options.

Wizard Startup – Displays the Set Properties window the first time you access the wizard until you end the wizard session or log off the client.
Never – Does not display the Set Properties window the first time you access the wizard. If Never is selected and you want to open the Set Properties window, point to the wizard’s toolbar button, right-click, and then click Properties on the shortcut menu.

Depending on the value selected in Display Property Page, defaults may appear as the first step of the wizard. Property values that are changed in the first step of a wizard are retained only until the right-click method is used to set properties.


On the Behavior tab, you can select or clear any of the following check boxes.

Display Instructions — Displays a message with instructions for items that are to be routed for special reshelving, such as Reserves.
Warning If User Billed — Displays a warning message if the item being discharged was overdue and a bill was created. If the check box is not selected, the warning message does not display, but a dollar sign displays next to the item in the list of discharged items.
Display Hold Instructions — Displays instructions for items routed to the Holds shelf.
Display in Transit Instructions — Displays instructions for items to go in transit, or to be taken out of transit.
Allow Discharge Dates in the Future — Permits discharge dates on the item to be a future date.
Display User Information — Shows user information when discharging items.
Display “Item Not Checked Out” Error in a Separate Window — Shows the Item Not Checked Out message in a separate window when the operator checks in an item that is currently not checked out. If the check box is cleared, the item is added to the list of discharges, and the Item Not Checked Out message displays in the Message column for the item.
Display Circulation Note — Shows the circulation note (if it exists) when item is used in a transaction in the wizard.
Discharge All Items Associated with a Set — This property only displays if the system is configured for Circulation Sets. Select one of the following settings depending on whether or not you want to discharge all items in a circulation set with one discharge action or discharge each item separately. Items checked in as a set or part of a set will transit to the circulation set’s owning library defined in the circulation set control record, and each item associated with the set and checked in will display in the checkin list.
Yes — The wizard will discharge all items in the circulation set with one discharge action.
No — The wizard will individually discharge each item.
Prompt — The wizard will display the list of items in the set, and you can select which items should be checked in.
Check for Claims Returned Items – If this property is selected, when discharging an item, the program displays an alert if a user has claimed to have returned the item. The name of the user who made the claim and the date of the claim appear on the alert. You can continue discharging and have the option of opening the user record to edit it (when Allow Modify User Prompt is selected), or canceling the discharge. When Check for Claims Returned Items is selected, Claims Returned Alert: Allow Modify User Prompt and Play Sound for Claims Returned Alert become active and can be selected.
Claims Returned Alert: Allow Modify User Prompt – Adds the option to edit the user record to the Claims Returned alert. When selected, the program opens the Discharging: Modify User wizard after completely discharging the item.

Configure Properties

You can select the following check boxes to allow the following print settings.

Print Available Hold Slips – Prints slips for items that are now available to satisfy a hold.
Print Transit Slips – Prints slips listing the library to which the item is to be sent. (This check box displays only for multilibrary systems.)
Print transit slip if transit to is outside selected group – Prints a transit slip only when the item being put in transit is outside the group selected in the drop-down list.

Note: This check box displays only for multilibrary systems. When you select this option, the Print Transit Slips option also becomes selected.

Print Reshelving Slips – Prints slips listing the location where the item is to be reshelved.
Print Hold Wrapper Slips – Prints slips with user, hold, and/or item information for items to be placed on a self-service holds shelf.

To use the wizard slip printing function, you must define receipt printer availability options by selecting the Preference menu, pointing to Peripherals, and selecting the Receipt Printer option.


On the Helpers tab, you can select the Item Search Helper check box to display the Item Search helper in the wizard.

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