Receive Multiple Orders Wizard
The Receive Multiple Orders wizard allows acquisitions staff to receive multiple orders at once.
To receive multiple orders
Click the Receive Multiple Orders wizard. |
In the Order ID field, type the purchase order ID you want to search for. If desired, you can search for multiple purchase order IDs at once by typing each ID consecutively, separated by semi-colons (;). |
For example: PO-1;PO-2;PO-3;PO-4;PO-5
If necessary, select a different fiscal cycle from the Fiscal Cycle drop-down list. |
If necessary, select a different acquisitions library from the Acquisitions Library drop-down list. |
If needed, specify the date received in the Date Received field. Use the Calendar gadget to select a date received. |
Click Search. A list of purchase orders displays, with each orderline on its own line. |
Enter the quantity of copies you have received for each title in the corresponding Quantity Receiving field. WorkFlows accepts the value once you click outside the field or once you press Enter. |
WorkFlows then compares the Quantity Receiving to the Quantity Expected. When this occurs, the Status column shows one of the following indicator icons:
Green ( )—The number of copies received for this orderline is the same as the expected number of copies. |
Yellow ( )—The number of copies received for this orderline is lower than the expected number of copies. |
Red ( )—The orderline has one of the following issues: |
A number of copies received has not been specified (the Quantity Receiving field is blank). |
The Quantity Receiving is greater than the Quantity Expected. |
There are no amounts set for quantity distributions. |
Note: If the Autodistribute quantity receiving property is disabled, the red indicator icon remains until the Quantity Receiving is distributed to the distributions using the Update Orderline Distribution option, which is available via clicking the red indicator icon. See step 9 for more details.
If the status of an orderline is yellow or red, you can resolve the status by clicking on the indicator icon. Within the Update Orderline Distribution window, you can adjust the unreceived distribution manually, or click Autofill to have WorkFlows adjust the distribution automatically. |
Once you have finished adding orderline information, select the orderlines you want to modify, then click Receive Orderlines. You can use Shift + Click to select multiple orderlines at once. |
The packing list displays in its own window.
Note: Only orderlines that have a green or yellow indicator icon will be received. Orderlines with a red indicator icon require a resolution before they can be received.
Do one of the following: |
Click New Packing List to search for and receive orderlines against a new packing list. WorkFlows then returns to the main wizard screen. |
Select the orderlines that contain the copies you want to review and click Load Ordered Copies. |
WorkFlows opens a Loading Order window.
Note: The Load Ordered Copies button does not display if the Automatically set date loaded for items received property is enabled. For more information, see Receive Multiple Orders Wizard Properties.
Click Close to exit the wizard. |
If you are loading ordered copies, select the orderline or orderlines you want to add copies for, then click Load Ordered Copies. |
Make any changes you want to the distribution information. If necessary, use the available helpers to make changes to the items. Once you are finished making changes, click Add/Update Items. |
If the wizard has been configured for printing in the Receive Multiple Orders Wizard Properties, WorkFlows sends the list of the title's copies to the printer.
If necessary, use the available helpers to make changes to the items. Once you have made all desired changes to the catalog information of the new items, click Add/Update Items. |
Click Continue to add items for the next selected orderline, or to return to the packing list screen if all selected orderlines have been processed. |
When you are finished receiving orderlines, click Close. |
If you selected more than one orderline to receive, the packing list for the next orderline displays. If there are no more orderlines to process, WorkFlows returns to the packing list screen.
Related topics
Receive Multiple Orders Wizard Properties
Display Bibliographic Description Helper
Modify This Orderline Helper
Order Extended Information Tool
Orderline Extended Information Tool