Duplicate Order Wizard

The Duplicate Order wizard guides you through the process of duplicating an existing order to a new order. Use the wizard to identify a specific order by order ID, orderline, fiscal cycle, and/or library. The specified order ID/orderline will supply the default values for a new order and orderline. These default values can be edited.

To duplicate an order

The following steps are for duplicating an order with multiple orderlines to a new order.

Modify the fields on these tabs as required. See the tab topics for more information.

After duplicating an order, you may click one of the following options.

Save Your Changes to save order and orderline modifications
Return to Search to return to the search list of orders
New Search to search a new list of orders
Close to exit the Duplicate Orders wizard

Important Considerations When Using this Wizard

You can create purchase orders within the wizard flow using the Produce Order Report Helper and View Order Reports Helper.
You can output orderline data to a file using the Save Order Line to File Helper.
You can view all orderlines linked to this order using the Display All Orderlines Helper.
ISXN warnings may appear when creating orders. Correct the ISXN value before continuing. For more information see FAQs: ISBN/ISSN Validation.

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