Add Dated Order Wizard Properties

You can change certain system settings and defaults for the Add Dated Order wizard using the Set Properties window. The Add Dated Order wizard allows you to set the following properties.

Display Property Page

The Display Property Page value allows you to choose when to display the Add Dated Order wizard’s set properties window. Select one of the following options.

Wizard Startup – Displays the Set Properties window the first time you access the wizard until you end the wizard session or log off the client.
Never – Does not display the Set Properties window as part of the wizard workflow. If Never is selected and you want to open the Set Properties window, point to the wizard’s toolbar button, right-click, and then click Properties on the shortcut menu.

Depending on the value selected in Display Property Page, defaults may appear as the first step of the wizard. Property values that are changed in the first step of a wizard are retained only until the right-click method is used to set properties.


On the Behavior tab, select or clear the following check boxes.

Auto-generated Order ID – Determines whether the order ID will always be supplied automatically. If this check box is cleared, an Order ID must be supplied in the wizard. This check box is selected by default.

Note: Order IDs must not contain spaces.

Show Order Extended Information – Enables the display of order level extended information in the process of creating an order. This check box is selected by default.
Use Quantity Matching for Order Maps – Determines whether or not order map values or selections may be included automatically as part of the wizard work flow. This check box is selected by default.

Note: If you selected Sum Funded Quantities on the Orderline tab, there is no orderline quantity to be used with quantity matching, and Quantity Matching for Order Maps is disabled. You may use the Replace Fundings & Distributions Helper to select an order map from a list.

ISXN Warnings Must Be Acknowledged – Displays ISBN or ISSN validation warnings when you type an incorrect ISBN/ISSN. You will have the opportunity to correct the ISBN or ISSN or acknowledge the warnings and continue. The dialog box displays separate lists for invalid ISBNs and invalid ISSNs. By default, this check box is selected. Although warnings display, you are not prevented from saving invalid ISBNs or ISSNs to the order records.

Title Lookup Options

Typically when orders are created, the item is first searched in the catalog, and if no title is present, a title may be added from another library or bibliographic utility using Search Source, or a temporary title may be created at the workstation for ordering. By default, the wizard permits looking up an existing title in the catalog, and adding a temporary title at the workstation. Search Source is available by selecting the option under Allow Search and Selecting an Existing Title.

In some libraries, one staff member may place all orders for existing titles, and another may only add new titles for ordering. Alternately, these two types of ordering may be done by the same staff member, but performed separately in the work flow. In these cases, you may prefer only one of the title lookup options. At least one option must be allowed. For any lookup options that are cleared, the setting remains throughout the addition of each new orderline until the property is changed.

The following options are available.

Require Adding a Temporary Title for Each Orderline
Require Searching and Selecting an Existing Title for Each Orderline
Allow Search and Selecting an Existing Title
Add Temporary Title
Check Catalog and Vendor Availability (displays only if the library has purchased access to the Vendor Information Port helper)
Skip Item Search/Add

If either the Require Adding a Temporary Title for Each Orderline option or the Allow Search and Selecting an Existing Title/Add Temporary Title option is selected, the Add Temporary Title button becomes available. Click this button to set Add Temporary Title Helper Properties.

If the Allow Search and Selecting an Existing Title/SmartPort option is selected, the SmartPort button becomes available. Click this button to set SmartPort Wizard Properties.

If the Allow Search and Selecting an Existing Title/Check Catalog and Vendor Availability option is selected, the Check Catalog and Vendor Availability button becomes available. Click this button to set Vendor Information Port (VIP) Helper Properties.


On the Defaults tab, you can set defaults to customize your use of the wizard.

Search Preferences

Select the following search options.

Preferred Search Type – Select one of the search method options. Keyword is the default search preference type.
Preferred Search Index – Select an index from the list. The default value is Title.
Item Library – Select a default item library from the list. You may select an item library when performing a bibliographic search to limit your search results to include only items owned by the selected library.

Order Basic Info

You can set defaults in the following dated order information.

Vendor ID – Use the Browse Vendor gadget to select a vendor.
Order Type – Select an order type from the list. The available order types are defined in policies.
Date Ready – Type T for TODAY, N for NEVER, or type a date in the required date format. The default is TODAY.

Note: If the Enter Date Ready value is disabled in Acquisitions Session Settings this field will not be editable. In addition, the default for the Date Ready property (regardless of setting) will be NEVER.

Date Mailed – Use the Calendar gadget to select a date mailed for orders. NEVER is default value.

Orderline Information

You can set defaults for the following orderline information.

Quantity – Type a default quantity for ordering. The value 1 is the delivered default.
Bib Entries – Use the Policy List gadget to select the bibliographic entries template for display. ACQ is the delivered default.

Note: For UNIMARC formats, you will need to modify the ACQ entry list to include the UNIMARC entries for author, title, edition, and publication information.

Unit Price – Type a default unit price.
Discount – Use the Discount gadget to select a default discount rate value. TABLE is the default discount value.
Requestor User ID – Use the Browse User gadget to select a default Requesting User ID.
Requisition Number – Type a default requisition number.
Date Mailed – Select the check box to use a default date mailed for orderlines. Use the Calendar gadget to select a date mailed. NEVER is the default value.
Material Type – Select the default acquisitions material type to be designated for orderlines. The material type specifies an item’s material characteristics. The delivered value of this property is blank.
Days in Sub Period – Type a default number of days the subscription covers.
Renew Date – Use the Calendar gadget to select a default date for renewal.

Defaults for the Requestor User ID, Requisition Number, and Discount fields will be entered into your order, even if these fields are not set to display in the acquisitions Session Settings. If you modify these defaults, it is recommended that you also select these values to display in Session Settings.

Segment Information

You can set the following default values for the default segment created by the wizard.

Fund ID – Use the Browse Fund gadget to select a default fund for the orders.
Holding Code – Select a default holding code for the orders from the list. Use the Find Holding Code Gadget to limit your options.
Automatically Display Payment Fields in Funding Segments – Select this check box to allow orders to be paid.
Automatically Display Receiving Fields in Distribution Segments – Select this check box to allow orders to be received.
Automatically Display the Loading Field in Distribution Segments – Select this check box to allow orders to be loaded into the catalog.


On the Helpers tab, you can select the Helpers you want to display in the Add Dated Order wizard. Click the Helper buttons to display the Helper properties that you can set.

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