Add Temporary Title Helper Properties

The Add Temporary Title helper allows the following properties to be set. Add Temporary Title functionality may display as a helper, or as a behavior within a wizard.

Changes you make to these properties apply globally whenever this helper is used.

Display Property Page

You can choose when to display the Add Temporary Title helper’s Set Properties window by selecting one of the following options.

Wizard Startup – Displays the Set Properties window the first time you access the wizard until you end the wizard session or log off the client.
Never – Does not display the Set Properties window the first time you access the wizard. If Never is selected and you want to open the Set Properties window, point to the wizard’s toolbar button, right-click, and then click Properties on the shortcut menu.


On the Behavior tab, select or clear any of the following check boxes.

Add Call Number – Allows the addition of call numbers to the new title you are creating. You must select this option if you want to use the following options.
Prompt for Library When Adding a New Call Number
Auto-generate Temporary XX Call Numbers
Add Item When Adding a New Call Number
Add Item – Allows the addition of items in the helper.
Auto-generate Item ID When Adding Item – Allows new item IDs to be automatically generated when adding an item.
Delete Call Number – Allows deletion of call numbers in the wizard.
Delete Item – Allows deletion of items in the wizard.
ISXN Warnings Must Be Acknowledged – Displays ISBN or ISSN validation warnings when an incorrect ISBN/ISSN is entered. You will have the opportunity to correct the ISBN or ISSN or acknowledge the warnings and continue. The dialog box displays separate lists for invalid ISBNs and invalid ISSNs. By default, this check box is cleared.
Disable Diacritic Keyboard Shortcuts – Prevents the use of keyboard shortcuts used by the ALA Character Set of Diacritics and Symbols code set in the Symbol Table. By default, this check box is selected.
Set Current Location of New Items to AVAILABLE_SOON – Select this check box so the new item created with this title will be assigned the first current location (found in policies) of the AVAILABLE_SOON type. When the item is scanned in a circulation wizard, this location will be automatically removed. By default, this check box is selected.


On the Defaults tab, you can set defaults to customize your use of the helper.

Title Default Values

Select the following options.

Format – Select the format you want to use from the list.
Entries Template – Select the entries template you want to use when creating or modifying bibliographic records. You have these options.
BRIEF – Displays entries (tags) in BRIEF display for each format.
FULL – Displays entries (tags) in FULL display for each format.
TEMPLATE – Contains empty entries that would be most usefully displayed when an item is created. Template is format dependent.
SELECT_ENTRIES – Allows you to add additional tags to your template. Each template includes by default the 000, 008, 049, and 245 tags. If you select this option, you can add additional tags in the Entries field. Each tag is separated by a comma, such as 300,650,710.
Shadow Title – Select this check box to shadow a title as it is created.
Add Item When Creating Title – Select this check box to allow addition of items as soon as the title is created.
Include Paired Fields – Select the Include Paired Fields check box to cause paired fields to display in the template in preparation for input of multiscript data. This property is delivered disabled by default. If checked, the property causes paired fields to automatically display for all tags in the template in preparation for input of multiscript data. The Include Paired Fields property is active for any Entries Template selected. If Include Paired Fields is selected, the Entries to Pair property becomes available.
Entries to Pair – In the Entries to Pair list, select only specific tags in the template to pair. For example, if you only want to pair the author, title, and subjects, enter 100,245,650. Only these tags will display as paired when the template is displayed. Remaining tags will not display as paired.

The Include Paired Fields and Entries to Pair properties display only if a Unicode server is used and the Global Configuration cataloging Paired Fields policy is enabled.

Editor Display Options

Format – Select the one of the following Format options for displaying records.
MARC View – Displays the numeric MARC tags and indicators (or alphabetic tags for non-MARC formats).
Descriptive View – Displays the entire MARC record with labels.
Fixed Fields– Select this check box to display fixed fields data as part of the bibliographic or authority record.
Display Descriptive Labels (for Entries) – Select this check box to display descriptive labels for the numeric MARC tags and indicators. If this check box is cleared, the numeric MARC tags and indicators (or alphabetic tags for non-MARC formats) display without description.

Call Number/Item Default Values

Select the following options.

Library – Select a library from the list. If you do not select a value, the library defaults to the library associated with the user’s login.
Class Scheme – Select a classification scheme from the list. The list that displays is based on the Classification policy that defines capitalization rules, sorting rules, and ascending or descending filing order.
Shadow Call Number – Select this check box if you want to shadow a call number as it is added.
Show Shelving Key – Select this check box if you want to display the field that controls the sorted display of call numbers.

Item Required Default Values

Select the following options.

Type – from the list, select the type you want to identify the item’s circulation characteristics. Typical item types are BOOK, PERIODICAL, MAP, PROJECTOR, VCR, FILM, and FILMSTRIP.
Home Location – from the list, select the permanent location where items are supposed to be when not circulating.
Permanent – Select this check box to indicate whether the item is part of your library’s permanent collection.
Circulate – Select this check box to control whether a system-generated circulation rule can be overridden.
Shadow Item – Select this check box to indicate that the item will be shadowed.

Item Optional Default Values

Select the following options.

Price – Type the default price you want to use for new items. Depending on the library’s procedures, it can be the purchase price or replacement price.
Media Desk – from the list, select the Materials Booking Media Desk that represents the hours of staff availability. Media Desk will only appear if the system is configured to use the Materials Booking module.
Item Categories – Select the value you want to use in the Item Cat fields (Item Cat1 through Item Cat5). These fields are based on the respective Item Category policies, which are used for statistical purposes.

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