Receipt Fields for Hold Wrappers

Hold wrappers can be customized to display various receipt fields using the Receipt Fields gadget. The following sections explain how to customize hold wrappers.

Receipt Fields

The following list describes the receipt fields that may be selected to print on hold wrappers.


Prints the date on or by which the user must pick up the available hold.

Item ID

Includes the barcode number of the item.

Last Name

This is the user’s last name. This field can be truncated to print only a specified number of characters of the user’s last name (specified in the Allow Limited Patron Name Length property).


This field is the user’s “display” name, or the full name of the user.


Lists the title of the item. This field has a limit of 50 characters.

User Cat1-User Cat12

Prints information from the User Category fields (User Cat1, User Cat2, User Cat3, User Cat4, User Cat5, User Cat6, User Cat7, User Cat8, User Cat9, User Cat10, User Cat11, and User Cat12) in the user record. The actual labels for the User Category fields are determined by your library.

User ID

Prints the barcode number for the user.

Privacy Printing Properties

Libraries may configure the following optional Privacy Printing Properties to allow enough user information to be printed on the hold wrapper while protecting the user’s privacy.

Allow Limited Patron IDLength property can be selected when the User ID receipt field is specified to print on the hold wrapper. In the Print Max Last Characters of Patron ID box, specify how many characters of the user ID, counting from the final character, will print. For example, if you specify that the last 4 characters of the user ID will print, the user ID 34567893 will display as 7893 on the hold wrapper.
Allow Limited Patron Name Length property can be selected when the Last Name receipt field is specified to print on the hold wrapper. In the Print Max First Characters Of Patron Last Name box, specify how many characters of the user’s last name, starting from the first character, will print. For example, if you specify that the first 6 characters of the user’s last name will print, the surname Johnson will display as Johnso on the hold wrapper.

Date Formatting Description

The optional Allow date formatting description property specifies whether descriptive text will be printed on the hold wrapper to explain the date format that your library uses for the available hold expiration date (the Pickup By date). The Date Format Description box is a free-text field where you can type up to 40 characters of descriptive text.

For example, patrons may be confused as to whether the date notation of 12/11/2007 means December 11, 2007, or November 12, 2007. The library can type Month/Day/Year in the Date format description box so the date information will display similar to the following on the hold wrapper.

Pickup by:



Formatting Text on Hold Wrappers

The header, footer, and receipt fields you specify to print on the hold wrapper can be customized to print horizontally or vertically. Each receipt field and the header and footer can be individually customized with a selected font, font style, and font size.

After you specify on the Defaults tab which receipt fields you want to print and whether to print a header and/or a footer, click the Behavior tab. Under Configure Printed Field Properties, the field, print layout options, and default font and font size display for each receipt field, the header, and the footer, as applicable.

Do the following to configure the printing properties for each piece of information to print on the hold wrapper.

For each hold wrapper field, select Horizontal to print the text horizontally, or select Vertical to print the text vertically. By default, Horizontal is selected.
For each hold wrapper field, specify the font to be used when printing the text. Use the Font Chooser gadget to select the font, font style, and font size. The default font for your system is selected by default.

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