Loaded Bib Files Tab: MARC Import Utility Wizard

The Loaded Bib Files tab in the MARC Import Utility wizard allows you to view or copy bibliographic record files that have been imported, and to remove obsolete bibliographic data backup files.

Refer to the FAQs: Working with Bibliographic Data Files in the MARC Import Utility Wizard topic for an explanation of how bibliographic backup data files are created.

Sorting the List of Bibliographic Data Backup Files

The list of bibliographic data backup files can be sorted to make it easier to find the file you want to view, copy, or remove.

To sort the list of bibliographic data backup files

Viewing Bibliographic Data Backup Files

To select and view bibliographic data backup files

Copying Bibliographic Data Backup Files

You can copy a bibliographic data backup file from the
/Unicorn/Marcimport/Bibbackup directory to the /Unicorn/Marcimport directory so the bibliographic records can be loaded into the catalog.

To copy a bibliographic data backup file

Removing Obsolete Bibliographic Data Backup Files

To conserve disk space, all bibliographic data backup files should be removed after a full system backup is performed.

To remove a bibliographic data backup file

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