Import Tab: MARC Import Utility Wizard
The Import tab of the MARC Import Utility wizard imports bibliographic record files and authority record files.
To import bibliographic records and authority record files
Select the File Type option to specify the file type of the records file to be imported. |
Click MARC to load a records file that is in a MARC format. |
Click Sirsi Flat to load a records file that is in Sirsi’s ”flat” format. |
In the Source box, type the source file name as it exists on the workstation or server, or click the Select File gadget to select the source file. Using the gadget will display the entire file path name in the Source box, including the drive. |
In the Destination box, type the name you want to give the file when it is imported. |
If no more files are to be imported, click No in the Confirmation dialog box. If you want to import another file, click Yes to return to the Import tab, and repeat the steps for each file to be imported. |
If you are loading multiple files, SirsiDynix Symphony disables the File Type option (step 1) and Destination box (step 3). Each source file you select will be appended to the contents of the destination file to prevent the information in each imported file from being overwritten.
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MARC Import Utility Wizard