Batch Photo Import Utility
The Batch Photo Import Utility can be used to import multiple patron photos at once. The utility reads in plain text files you create containing ID type specifications, ID strings, and photo location groups, one group on each line, with one line for each user. For more information about creating an input file, see the FAQs: The Batch Photo Import Utility help topic.
You can also use this process to import user signature images in batch. For more information, see the What information needs to go in the input file and how should I format it? section of the FAQs: The Batch Photo Import Utility help topic.
To import patron photos
1 | On the System Utility toolbar, click the Batch Photo Import utility. |
2 | In the Source box, type the source file name as it exists on the workstation or server, or click the Select File gadget to select the source file. Using the gadget will display the entire file path name in the Source box, including the drive. |
3 | Click Import. |
A dialog box containing a progress bar will appear. If you choose, you can abort the import process by clicking Cancel in this dialog box.
4 | The Batch Load Finished dialog box appears. It displays the number of photos that the utility imported successfully, the number of photos that the utility failed to import, and the location where the output file generated by the utility was saved. |
Click one of the following options.
• | If no more files are to be imported, click Close Wizard. |
• | If you want to view and save the output file generated by the utility in a text editor, click View Results. The output file lists the patrons whose photos were imported successfully as well as those that failed, along with a reason. Any lines that the utility did not read in from the input file are also listed. |
Note: WorkFlows saves all output files generated by this utility to \Workflows\tmp. This directory is cleared each time you exit the WorkFlows client, so if you want to keep any of the output files, you should save them to another location.
The application WorkFlows uses to display the output file is determined by what is selected for the Application to View Reports Field in the Report Session Wizard. If the input for this field is invalid or blank, the View Results button does not appear.
• | If you want to import more images, click Import More Photos to return to the Import tab, and repeat steps 2 through 4 for each file with images to be imported. |
Important Considerations When Using this Wizard
• | You should not halt SirsiDynix Symphony services as this utility runs, so prepare your time accordingly. |
• | SirsiDynix recommends that you import no more than 10,000 photos per batch. |
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