Patterns Tab

The Patterns tab contains information about a periodical’s enumeration, chronology, and publication pattern. SirsiDynix Symphony provides default pattern tab information for common publication patterns. These default patterns are based on the Fixed Field Frequency Code in the bibliographic record. Adjust the pattern information listed below for the specific title.

Default patterns can also be imported via the 891 CONSER Patterns tag. If selected in properties to display, the Load Patterns window will open if the bibliographic record has an 891 Pub Pattern entry (or entries). For more information see Loading Pub Patterns from 891 Entries.

You can use the Replace Patterns helper to select a predefined pattern, including preset values for all pattern fields, or create a new pattern by manually typing values into pattern fields. You can save a pattern using the Make This Pattern a Template helper. The default information is displayed. Default pattern names, definitions, and associated code letters or numbers are listed in the Serial Pattern Wizard in the Serial Control Configuration wizard group.

Enumeration Pattern

The following enumeration pattern options are available.

Chronology Pattern

The following chronology pattern options are available.

If prediction records are auto-generated when only an enumeration pattern or only a chronology pattern is defined, you must select either Chronology or Enumeration in the Form of Name to Display field of the OPAC Display tab to match the defined value. If the default Both is selected, the defined value will display in duplicate.

Publication Pattern

The following publication pattern options are available.

The following fields are defined for the Patterns tab.

Allow Automatic Prediction of Issues

This field can be selected or disabled to indicate that prediction records can or cannot be generated during the serial check in process. If this field is cleared, you will not be prompted to create prediction records. When all predicted or expected issues have already been received for the control, you are required to Check In Without Prediction. If this field is selected, you will be given the option to either Generate Predictions or Check In Without Predictions.


Either the Alpha or the Numeric field may be selected to designate whether the enumeration level is an alphabetic or a numeric character pattern.

Note: Level one of the enumeration subdivisions is always a numeric value. Subsequent enumeration levels may be selected for either alphabetic or numeric patterns.

Chronology Type

When issues of a periodical have a chronological name as well as enumerative volume and issue numbers, the Chronology Type field is used when generating prediction records that predict chronology as well as enumeration.

If issues are commonly referenced by chronology rather than enumeration, the name (chronology type) is likely to be most familiar to catalog patrons.

For example, FEB 2003, or MAR/APR 2003, or SPR 2003, etc.

The Chronology Type field provides a list of specific chronology types used within SirsiDynix Symphony. You can select a specific policy from this list for the a serial’s publication pattern.

When using the Replace Patterns helper define a pattern, the Chronology Type field on the Patterns tab will be automatically filled with the default chronology type term that works with the Frequency Code. The Frequency Code is defined in the Serial Patterns Configuration. The associated Chronology Type is defined in the Chronology Type wizard in the Serial Control Configuration wizard group. To add pattern policies or modify existing or default policy patterns, use the Make This Pattern a Template helper.

The Chronology Type on the Patterns tab and the Chronology, which is used to generate predictions, must be compatible. If you modify a serial control record’s chronology type, the chronology field will be blanked out, and new data will need to be entered.

For example the last existing issue’s Chronology displays as APR 1997. The Chronology Type is then changed from MONTH to SEASON. APR is not a valid season name, so when issues are next generated, the Chronology field will be blank. The next issue may be entered as SUM 1997.

In addition to Chronology Type field definitions, specific alphanumeric values are used to type a correctly formatted beginning prediction date in the Chronology field of the Prediction Record. Default Chronology Types and Chronologies are listed in the Delivered Serial Control Policy Values topic.


The first subdivision for a title on the Patterns tab is always continuous, meaning that a single numerical range represents the title for the life of the publication. If a daily periodical is numbered continuously in any of its subdivisions, the numbers can be very high. Up to two billion continuously numbered issues may be predicted and received in WorkFlows.

If the continuous field on the Patterns tab is used for subdivisions 2 through 6, each may be selected to allow the numbering pattern to increment continuously.

For example a monthly journal to be checked in displays Volume 12, number 6, Issue 150 on its cover. This serial has three levels of enumeration.

The first level is continuous, as the volume number of the title is allowed to increment by one without limit. The first level of enumeration is always continuous.

The second level of enumeration for this title is not continuous, as it relates to the number of issues in a publication cycle. After the 12 issues in the cycle limit have been reached, the next number level will begin again at 1. The first level will also increment by 1 to volume 13.

The third level is continuous, as the issue number increments with each issue published. The issue number is allowed to increment by one without limit.

Days Before Subsequent Claim

This field may also be referred to as Days To Subsequent Claim. This field can be used to calculate a follow up notification date for making additional claims against missing issues. The number of days entered will be added to the date the item was claimed to supply the Date to Claim in the existing claim record. If the Days to Wait Before Claiming is a non-zero value, then the Days Before Subsequent Claim must also be a non-zero value

Note: To calculate the number of days passed and mark records as ready to claim, run the Prediction As Late report.

Days to Wait Before Claiming

This field should contain the number of days SirsiDynix Symphony waits before marking an unreceived issue for claiming. The days start being counted after the predicted issue receipt date passes. If the library does not use WorkFlows claim missing issues feature, then type a zero. This field is also referred to as the Days to Claim field.

Note: To calculate the number of days passed and mark records as ready to claim, run the Prediction As Late report.

Enter Custom List

This field is used to create a custom name pattern, which is a chronology or list of names that are used to establish a special chronology pattern for use in a serial’s control record when generating predictions. Up to 200 characters may be entered into this field.

Note: For more information, go to the Custom Names or Chronologies topic.


The label field provides the name of the selected numeration pattern. Use the List Policies gadget to select a label. There are six sequential enumeration levels, allowing you to establish the labels, starting numbers or letters, and limits to which each part of an issue’s enumeration conforms

Note: The first enumeration level may only describe a numeric value, for example the first label might be Volume or Issue. Subsequent enumeration values may be alphanumeric, for example Part, as in Part A.


The Limit field is used to determine when a subdivision’s numbering pattern should start over, causing the enumeration in the subdivision above it to be incremented by one.

For example a quarterly publication requires 4 issues to make one volume. The limit for the 2nd level enumeration would be set to 4, representing the total number of issues in one publication cycle for this periodical.

Publication Cycle

This field displays publication cycle data in an abbreviated alphanumeric format for the selected title and control record. Verify that the limits used in the enumeration pattern field, the selected chronology type, and the chronology specified correspond to the publication cycle selected to ensure accurate predictions. Up to 1,000 characters may be entered into this field. Use the Publication Cycle gadget to display, edit, or delete data displayed in this field.

Note: The notation displayed in the Publication Cycle field is based on selections made using the Publication Cycle gadget.


Each Use field in a subdivision indicates whether a particular subdivision level is to be used or not when setting up the enumeration checkin pattern for the serial under control. These fields are cleared by default. Selecting one check box of a subdivision will include that subdivision in the numeration calculation for issues. Subdivisions must be used in order, starting with the top-most subdivision in the list. This field is also referred to as In Use field.

Note: Each serial title will have at least one enumeration label. Until the first subdivision check box is selected, no other subdivisions can be selected for use.

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