FAQs: Creating, Modifying, and Linking MARC Holdings
MARC holdings record entries defined (MARC Holdings Entries) |
Creating MARC holdings records (MARC Holdings Tab) |
Modifying MARC holdings records (MARC Holdings Tab) |
Removing MARC holdings records (MARC Holdings Tab) |
What is the role of linking in a MARC holdings record?
SirsiDynix Symphony takes advantage of the formatting for linked fields used by the MARC 21 standard. Linking and sequence numbers used in the MARC holdings record help SirsiDynix Symphony present a concise holdings summary in the e-Library. In order to facilitate automatically updating MARC holdings as issues are received, SirsiDynix Symphony also incorporates linking numbers in the record structure of expected issues.
The 853 Field and the Patterns Tab
When a serial control record is configured to update MARC holdings, a relationship is formed between the Patterns tab of the control record and the 853 field of the MARC holdings record.
The Patterns tab is used to create the captions and pattern data for the 853 field in the MARC holdings record according to MARC 21 standards. When SirsiDynix Symphony creates an 853, it will also contain a linking number in subfield 8.
Because the pattern and frequency of serial publications sometimes change, you might need to edit the data on the Patterns tab using the Modify Serial Control wizard.
e-Library Display of Serial Holdings
As a result, a new 853 will be created in the MARC holdings record when the control record is configured to update MARC holdings. When SirsiDynix Symphony creates a new 853 in this context, it will contain a new linking number in subfield 8.
The 853 and 863 Relationship
According to the MARC 21 standard, the 853 contains a linking number that controls the relationship it has with 863 fields added to the MARC holdings record.
The 863 fields are linked to an 853 by sharing a common linking number. An 863 uses subfield 8 to represent the linking number used by the 853. The linking number in the 863 also uses a sequence number that is separated from the linking number by a period.
SirsiDynix Symphony uses the linking relationship between 853 and 863 fields as well as sequence numbers to present a concise holdings summary in the e-Library.
Holdings Link in the Expected Issue Record
The database records that represent expected issues contain a field for a holdings link. When a serial control record is configured to automatically update MARC holdings, expected issues created through batch prediction will contain the same linking number as the one in subfield 8 of the 853 field. SirsiDynix Symphony uses this holdings link assigned to the expected issue record in order to correctly add an 863 field to the MARC holdings record when the issue is checked in.
How do I begin updating MARC holdings on a serial control that has never had MARC holdings before?
You must be allowed to update MARC Holdings. If you cannot, a supervisor can enable your ability in the Modify MARC Holdings Records behavior properties in both the Create Serial Control and Modify Serial Control wizards.
Click the Modify Serial Control wizard and select the Automatically Update MARC Holdings check box on the OPAC Display tab. This permits you to update MARC holdings for this particular serial control. |
On the Distributions tab, click the Change Distribution tool, and select the Update MARC Holdings Records check box for each distribution for which MARC Holdings will be updated. These check boxes cannot be selected unless the Automatically Update MARC Holdings check box is also selected on the OPAC Display tab. If the Distribution tab is not configured to appear, this step is not required. |
On the MARC Holdings tab, click the Create a Serials Holdings Record tool and create a current holdings record for each library and/or call number for which holdings will be updated. It is only necessary to select the library, and then add the 852 the location for each holdings record created. |
On the MARC Holdings tab, click the Modify a Serial Holdings Record tool and create historical holdings for each library and/or call number for which holdings will be updated. Type existing data according to MARC 21 Concise Format for Holdings Data standards using retrospective 866 holdings statements. These entries must be added before receiving automatically updated issues to ensure that they appear before the most recent MARC holdings. |
On the MARC Holdings tab, click the Link to Serials Holdings Record helper. Select the check box next to each holdings record that you wish to begin updating upon receipt, and click OK. Holdings begin updating with the next received issue. |
When the next issue is received, click the Check In Issues of a Serial Control wizard, and check in the issue. |
Click the Modify Serial Control wizard, then the Display Bibliographic Description helper to confirm the proper display of MARC holdings. |
For more information about creating distributions, see Setting Up Serial Distributions.
How do I get 866, 867, and 868 MARC holdings fields to update automatically?
The Check in Issues of a Serial wizard automatically creates and updates textual MARC holdings for special issues.
Confirm that the control record and distributions are set to update MARC holdings. |
Click the Check In Issues of a Serial wizard and identify the control record to check in an issue. |
Click the Special option. |
Indicate whether the issue is a Basic (866), a Supplement (867), or an Index (868) issue, provide enumeration, chronology, and other receipt information. |
Click Next Issue, and use the Display Bibliographic Description helper to view the OPAC display of the MARC holdings for the title. The textual, supplemental, and index holdings notes should appear. |
Close the Catalog Information dialog. |
Look up another title, or click Close to exit the wizard. |
How do I modify a record when I get an “Invalid or missing captions and patterns tag” message?
To prevent the display of the “Invalid or missing captions and patterns tag” message when cataloging wizards are used, click No for Holdings on the Defaults tab of the Set Options for Item Search helper before searching the title you want to modify. When titles with corrupt MARC Holdings are searched, and Holdings is set to Yes, the “Invalid or missing captions and patterns tag” message may appear.
Click the Modify Serial Control wizard or the Modify Title wizard. |
Click the MARC Holdings tab and correct the MARC record’s 853 or holdings link number. |
Updating MARC holdings when receiving pre-1970 issues
It is not possible to generate predictions that have a chronology date, date expected, and date first prediction earlier than 1970. SirsiDynix Symphony will display an appropriate error message indicating that you are not able to create issues prior to this date. To represent historical holdings, you can do the following.
Update the MARC holdings record with a summary statement in the 866 tag that reflects the range of issues. |
Do not create predictions. Instead, use the Check In Issues of a Serial wizard to receive special issues. Because you are not following a pattern when you use the special issue work flow, you are able to avoid the pre-1970 date limitation, and you can receive an issue with any date in the Chronology field. |