Display Serial Control Wizard
The Display Serial Control wizard guides you through the process of displaying detailed information about a serial subscription. A control record must have already been created for the selected title before it can be accessed with the Display Serial Control wizard. Information contained on the tabs displayed with this wizard cannot be edited.
The Display Serial Control wizard appears as a helper in some serial control wizards.
To display a serial control
In the Item Search, identify the item title you want to display. A table of titles that meet your search criteria appears. When a title is highlighted, detailed information appears on the Description and Call Number/Item tabs below the search list table. |
Select a title, click Display Control, and control information details for the selected title appears. |
If more than one control record is associated with a title, the List of Controls Found on Lookup window appears. Select one and click View Serial Control. |
If a title retrieved by the search does not have an associated serial control record, a message appears to inform you that there are no serial controls, and prompts you to type a new search or cancel. |
Review information on the following tabs
On some tabs, such as Basic and OPAC Display, the information cannot be edited. Other tabs, such as Expected and Received, have helpers which allow you to modify tab information or perform serial control functions from the current tab.
After displaying control information, you may click one of the following options.
Return to Lookup to select another title from the list of titles searched |
New Lookup to perform another serial control search |
Close to exit the Display Serial Control wizard |
Related topics
Display Serial Control Wizard Properties