Control Records

Once a title record for the serial has been established, the serial control record for the title can be created. The control record acts as a link between the title in the catalog and any issues received for that title. The control record may contain notes about subscription and binding cycles. Each time an issue is checked in, the receipt date, numeration, and name are automatically recorded. MARC holdings information can also be updated.

The first step in creating a serial control record is to identify the title record in the catalog by typing some unique title identifier. Generally, you might start by typing the serial’s title, but you could also type a full call number or a title control number such as an OCLC number to locate the title record. Serial control record creation cannot proceed without an established title record.

While a serial title will have only one title record, each serial title may have one or more linked control records. A control record maintains basic information about the entire serial title to be checked in. This must be information which does not change from issue to issue. Generally, each control record corresponds to a single library subscription, although for a variety of reasons, your library may have several different subscriptions for one serial title.

The following information is maintained in the serial control record.