Transaction Selection Tab

The Transaction Selection tab contains fields that are used to select transaction information for certain reports. The tab may include any of the following fields:


The commands selected will be included in the report results. Both noun/verb commands and wizard functions are included. Use the Command gadget to select commands.

Note: Some reports include default commands that may or may not be edited. Others allow only a limited selection of commands.

Refer to ”For what commands can I get statistics?” in the FAQs: Getting Tabular Statistics with a Report topic for more information.

If you select Charge Reserve Part B or Renew Reserve, transactions are selected whether they were performed at the command line, using reports, or in WorkFlows using the using the Checkout and Renew Single Item wizards. When you select Charge Item Part B or Renew Item, reserve transactions are automatically excluded.

If an item goes into transit, it is not part of general charge and discharge statistics. Use the Transit Item and Receive From Transit command selections to get statistics about items in transit between libraries. To count statistics on items put in transit, select the command Transit Item. To count statistics on items received from transit, select the command Receive From Transit. Only data included in the transit record will be accepted in the Display Choices for Transaction Statistics output. Additional Transaction Statistics selections may be available for selecting transit information.

Note: The Remove Item B command may not print item categories, publication year, and permanent information for deleted items.


All of the transactions in the report were made by a user login using the specified gateway. Use the Policy List gadget to select gateways. If no value is selected, all gateways are included.

Note: This field is only available for the Retrospective Patron Favorites (Favretro) report.


All of the transactions in the report were made using the specified interface(s). If no value is selected, all interfaces are included.

Use the Policy List gadget to select one or more interfaces. You can select from Delivered Client ID Policies, or from any custom Client IDs your library has created. For more information on Client ID policies, see Client ID Wizard.

Note: SirsiDynix recommends creating custom labels for any custom Client ID policies you create; otherwise, reports that print output on custom client IDs will print untranslated labels. If you need assistance with creating custom labels, contact SirsiDynix Customer Support.

Item Library

All of the transactions in the report are on items that belong to the specific library or libraries. Use the Policy List gadget to select libraries. If no value is selected, all libraries are included.

Note: The Item Library selection only appears for the Extract Deletions for OCLC report.


If the Library Type value is Transaction, all of the transactions in the report were made by a user login in the specified library or libraries. Use the Policy List gadget to select libraries. If no value is selected, all libraries are included. This field has a maximum limit of 1,101 characters, including punctuation.

Library Type

For Library Type, click one option:

Click the Transaction option to report transactions by Transaction Library.
Click the Payment option to report transactions by Payment Library.

Note: This field is only available for the Daily Cash (Cashdaily) and Monthly Cash (Cashmonthly) reports.

Payment Library

If the Library Type value is Payment, all of the bill payment transactions were made by a user login in the specified payment library. Use the Policy List gadget to select a library (or libraries). If no value is selected, all libraries are included.

Note: This field is only available for the Daily Cash (Cashdaily) and Monthly Cash (Cashmonthly) reports.

Transaction Date Range

All of the transactions in the report were made during the time span indicated in the field. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget. Some reports include default dates that may or may not be edited.

Transaction statistics come from your system’s history logs. If there are no logs for the time frame that you select, the report may return an error or inaccurate results.


You can select the type of transaction, either Request Only or Request/Response.

Note: This field is only available for the Retrospective Patron Favorites (Favretro) report.

User Access

All of the transactions in the report were made by the specified User Access policies. Use the Policy List gadget to select User Access policies.

User Profile

You can select the User Profile policies to include or exclude from statistics. This selection option provides a way to exclude checkouts to user profiles that are used by your library for library purposes, such as the MISSING user profile. For example, you may not want to include the library/system related checkouts in your circulation statistics. Use the Policy List gadget to select User Profile policies. Click either the Includes Selected Policies or Excludes Selected Policies option, and create the list of policies to include/exclude.


All of the transactions in the report were made by a user login in the specified workstation or workstations. Use the Policy List gadget to select stations. If no value is selected, all workstations are included.

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