FAQs: Getting Tabular Statistics with a Report
• | How do I track monthly usage of our collection by Dewey subject classification? |
• | Getting Information and Statistics from Your System’s Logs |
• | For what commands can I get statistics? |
• | Why can I specify a command in the Transaction Selection tab if I cannot get statistics for it? |
How do I track monthly usage of our collection by Dewey subject classification?
The following procedure tracks usage by Dewey Classification.
To track monthly usage by Dewey subject classification
1 | In the Administration report group, select the Transaction Statistics (Statistics) report, and click Setup & Schedule. Name the monthly report in the Basic tab. |
2 | Click the Transaction Selection tab, and in the Library field, specify the library or libraries for which you want statistics by using the Policy List gadget. |
3 | In the Transaction Date Range field, click the Date Range gadget to select the dates to include in the report. |
4 | Under Start Date in the Date Range window, click Before, change the numerical value to 1, and select Months from the pull-down list. |
5 | Under End Date in the Date Range window, click Before, change the numerical value to 1, and select Months from the pull-down list. The text at the beginning of the Date Range window displays the selections you made, as in the following example. |
Use data for dates within a period starting from 1 month before the report run date ending 1 month before the report run date.If necessary, you may edit the Start Date and End Date selections. After verifying your selections, click OK to return to the Transaction Selection tab.
6 | In the Command field, use the Policy List gadget to select Charge Item Part B, Renew Item, and Renew User Part B. |
7 | Click OK to return to the Transaction Selection tab. |
8 | Click the Transaction Statistics tab. |
9 | In the Column field, select Total from the pull-down list. |
10 | In the Row field, use the pull-down list to select Call Number. |
11 | In the field that appears to the right of the Row field as soon as you select Call Number, click the Transaction Statistic Choice gadget. Use this gadget to enter your call number selections. |
For example, in the From field, type 001. In the To field, type 099.999, then click Add. This establishes the first range of call numbers for reporting. Assuming that you want the report broken down by different call number ranges, go back to the From field and type 100, then type 199.999 in the To field, and click Add again. Do this for all ranges to report on. A listing of all the ranges selected will display.
12 | Click OK to return to the Transaction Statistics tab. |
13 | Click Schedule. |
14 | Under Schedule, click Monthly. Use the calendar that appears under Start Running On to select the date on which to start running the report. The time field under the calendar uses a 24-hour clock for specifying the time to start running the report on the selected date. |
To set up an automatic monthly report of last month’s statistics, select the first day of the new month following the month for which you want statistics.
15 | Under Days of Month, clear all check boxes except for the check box that corresponds to the date you selected under Start Running On. |
For example, if you selected May 1 as the start date of the report, clear all check boxes under Days of Month except for the check box next to 1.
16 | Under Printing/Distribution, make any desired printing or report distribution selections, then click Schedule. |

Your consolidation process and statistics logs must also be properly maintained to get useful information.
For what commands can I get statistics?
When you are running a transaction statistics report, you collect statistics only on commands that are retained in the statistics logs. What finally determines whether or not you can get meaningful transaction statistics is if the transaction in the history log is extracted to the statistics log when the Create Statistics Logs (Statlog) report is run.
The following table lists some of the commands that provide statistics.
To Get History for These Functions: |
Select These Commands: |
Adding new volumes, call numbers, or copies |
Add Item (AV) |
Billing a user |
Bill User (BY) |
Checking out non-reserve, non-booking items |
Charge Item Part B (CV) |
Checking out reserve desk items only |
Charge Reserve Part B (CX) |
Checking out materials booking items |
Charge Booking Part B (Ck) |
Creating a serial control record |
Create Control Part B (JP) |
Creating an order or orderline |
Create Order Part B (JR) |
Adding a title, call number, or copy |
Create Item Part B (JV) |
Creating an academic reserve record |
Create Reserve Part B (JX) |
Creating a patron or staff user |
Create User Part B (JY) |
Placing a hold |
Create Hold (JZ) |
Creating a patron request |
Create Request Part B (Ju) |
Discharging or checking in a non-booking item |
Discharge Item (EV) |
Coping an existing user |
Duplicate User Part B (KY) |
Modifying bound-with items |
Edit Bound (IO) |
Modifying due dates |
Edit Circulation (IW) |
Inventory on an item |
Inventory Item (WU) |
Paying a user’s bill |
Pay User Part B (PY) |
Renewing a single non-reserve item |
Renew Item (RV) |
Renewing an academic reserve charge |
Renew Reserve (RX) |
Renewing all or some of a user’s charges |
Renew User Part B (RY) |
Removing a title, call number, or copy |
Remove Item Part B (FV) |
Removing a reserve |
Remove Reserve (FX) |
Removing a patron or staff user |
Remove User (FY) |
Removing a hold |
Remove Hold (FZ) |
Shipping items via Books by Mail |
Modify Mail Shipping (WW) |
Transferring an item to another library |
Transfer Item (OV) |
Trapped holds |
Find Hold Part B (fZ) |
Using a gateway element |
Use Gateway (Wi) |
Updating the number of in-house uses |
Use Item (WV) |
User claims to have returned an item |
Edit Circulation (IW) |

Commands you select for statistics will always be Part B, Part C, or Part D because Part A transactions do not modify the database.
Why can I specify a command in the Transaction Selection tab if I cannot get statistics for it?
The Transaction Statistics (Statistics) report is primarily used for circulation functions. Although the Command field on the Transaction Selection tab allows you to select any type of command, the statistics reports that can be created may only be meaningful for certain types of transaction.
When the Transaction Selection tab is available in a report, there are additional command transactions that may be selected, but are not available in the statistics logs. Some of these command transactions are listed below.
Functions Not Available for Statistics: |
Commands Not Available: |
Creating a serial prediction |
Create Checkin |
Creating a serial control routing |
Create Routing |
Creating an invoice or invoice line |
Create Invoice |
Creating a fund or fund cycle |
Create Fund |
Creating a vendor or vendor cycle |
Create Vendor |
Creating a materials booking |
Create Booking |
Creating an authority record |
Create Authority |
Creating an accountability record |
Create Accountability |
Creating an academic reserve course |
Create Course |
Creating an outreach interest |
Create Interest |
Creating an outreach history |
Create History |
Discharging or checking in materials booking items |
Discharge Booking |
Duplicating an existing order |
Duplicate Order |
Duplicating an existing fund or fund cycle |
Duplicate Fund |
Duplicating an existing vendor or vendor cycle |
Duplicate Vendor |
Duplicating an existing authority |
Duplicate Authority |
Duplicating an existing patron request |
Duplicate Request |
Duplicating an existing academic reserve course |
Duplicate Course |
Modifying a title, call number, or copy |
Edit Item |
Modifying a serial control record |
Edit Control |
Modifying a serial prediction, claim, or receipt |
Edit Checkin |
Modifying an order or orderline |
Edit Order |
Modifying an invoice or invoice line |
Edit Invoice |
Modifying a fund or fund cycle |
Edit Fund |
Modifying a vendor or vendor cycle |
Edit Vendor |
Modifying an academic reserve record |
Edit Reserve |
Modifying a patron or staff user record |
Edit User |
Modifying a hold record |
Edit Hold |
Modifying a materials booking |
Edit Booking |
Modifying an accountability record |
Edit Accountability |
Modifying a patron request |
Edit Request |
Modifying an academic reserves course |
Edit Course |
Modifying an outreach interest |
Edit Interest |
Modifying an outreach history |
Edit History |
Paying an order invoice |
Pay Invoice |
Receiving an ordered item |
Receive Order |
Checking in a serial control issue |
Receive Item |
Receiving an ON-RESERVE item at the desk |
Receive Reserve |
Removing a serial control record |
Remove Control |
Removing a serial prediction, claim, or receipt |
Remove Checkin |
Removing an order or orderline |
Remove Order |
Removing a fund or fund cycle |
Remove Fund |
Removing an item booking |
Remove Booking |
Removing an accountability record |
Remove Accountability |
Removing a patron request |
Remove Request |
Removing an academic reserves course |
Remove Course |
Removing an outreach user interest |
Remove Interest |
Removing and outreach user history |
Remove History Removing an outreach record |
Remove Outreach Searching an outreach user interest |
Search Interest |
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Transaction Statistic Choice Gadget