Secure User PINs Report
The Secure User PINs (Secureuserpins) report secures the PINs of the selected users and stores the processed PINs in cryptographic storage.

This report is only available on library systems that have had the "Use Policy PINs" feature enabled. To have the "Use Policy PINs" feature enabled for your library system, contact SirsiDynix Customer Support.

PINs can only be secured on SirsiDynix Symphony systems using a Microsoft SQL or Oracle database.
The Secure User PINs report contains the following tabs:
• | Basic Tab: Reports |
• | User Selection Tab |
Run this report after creating or modifying any User PIN policies that have the "Securely store the PIN" option enabled, selecting the users affected by those policies. For more information on User PIN policies, see User PIN Policy Wizard.
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