Purge Inactive Holds Report


Use caution when running this report. Selected holds are deleted completely from the database, and can only be restored from a current backup. Once the selected holds are removed permanently from the database, statistics reports cannot select and include these holds in the statistics report output. It is strongly recommended that you run your statistics reports first. After you have finished compiling all of the statistics you want, run the Purge Inactive Holds report.

The Purge Inactive Holds (Purgeholds) report selects INACTIVE holds and INACTIVE blanket holds, and purges them from the system. The INACTIVE hold status is selected by default, and cannot be modified, so only inactive holds can be deleted. The Purge Holds report cannot remove AVAILABLE holds waiting to be made unavailable by the Clean Holds Shelf report. Typically, you would select holds that were made inactive before a certain date, or were made inactive for a certain reason.

This report contains the following tabs.

Before you can select any EXPIRED hold which is INACTIVE, you must first run the Expire Holds report to set the INACTIVE status on holds which have reached their expiration date. These holds become INACTIVE the day the Expire Holds report is run.

It is good practice to run the Expire Holds, Notice for Cancelled Holds, and Clean Holds Shelf reports to extract all of the relevant data from INACTIVE holds prior to running this report to purge them from the system.

This report is on the Circulation tab of reports.

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