Hold Selection Tab

Holds that are selected may have been placed in WorkFlows by library staff, or by library patrons accessing the e-Library. Reports that include a hold selection may or may not include all of the following selections.


If Yes, the holds in the report are currently available for pickup. If No, the report includes only those holds that are still checked out to other users or still on the shelf in libraries that cannot place holds on items in the stacks. If Both is selected, all are included. The default value is Yes.

Available Expiration Date

Available holds selected by the report expired on the Holds shelf as of the specified date. Use the Date Range gadget to select a date. Available holds can be set to expire after the number of days specified in the Days for Avail Holds to Expire attribute in the Library policy.

Date Available

Holds selected by the report became available as of the specified date. Use the Date Range gadget to select a date.

Date Cancellation Notified

Users with holds selected by the report were notified of the cancellation of the hold as of this specified date. This date is set when Count as a Notice Sent in the Notice for Cancelled Holds report is run. This date cannot be displayed or modified at the workstation. Use the Date Range gadget to select a date.

Date Inactive

Holds selected by the report were set to an INACTIVE status on this specified date. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.

Date Notified

Users with holds selected by the report were notified of the expiration of the hold as of this specified date. This date is set when Count as a Notice Sent in the Expire Holds report is run. This date cannot be displayed or modified at the workstation. Use the Date Range gadget to select a date.

Date Pickup Notice

The users with holds who are included in the report last had pickup notices generated for them on this specified date. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget. For this date to display, you must select ”Count as a notice sent” in the Hold Notice output options.

Date Placed

Holds selected by the report were placed on this specified date. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.

Date Recalled

Holds selected by the report were recalled on this specified date. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.

Date Suspended

Holds selected by the report were suspended on this specified date. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.

Date Unsuspended

Holds selected by the report were no longer suspended on this specified date. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.

Expiration Date

The holds in the report are no longer wanted by the user after the specified date, or the library has placed a time limit on the length of a hold. If this date is not entered when the hold is placed, or edited by library staff, the hold request does not expire. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.

Hold Associated w/ User Group

If Yes, the report will include holds associated with a user group only. If no, all holds that are not associated with a user group will be included. If Both is selected, all holds are included, regardless of whether they are associated with a user group. The default value is Both.

Hold Range

Holds selected by the report will contain this specified range. Use the Policy List gadget to select a range or ranges.

Title or copy holds are applied across a range of item records defined as System, Group, and Library. System range applies the hold across all libraries of the system, regardless of regular holds or circulation restrictions, and will always require an override in order to place the hold.

When a Group or Library hold is placed, the user must be able to check out the item to place the hold. Group range applies the hold to items across all libraries contained within the Hold Group Libraries of the library policy of the user (with a Personal user access) placing the hold in the e-Library, or the library staff person in WorkFlows. Hold Group Libraries are reciprocating, so a user in any of the libraries may place holds on any other library in the Hold Group Libraries group. Hold Group Libraries do not affect pickup libraries.

Library range applies the hold across all copies in the specified item’s library. Ranges are defined when the hold is created, and cannot be modified.

In a single library system, Group is not a valid Hold Range selection; only Library or System should be selected.

Hold Status

Holds selected by the report will contain this specified hold status. When a hold is created in SirsiDynix Symphony, the hold status is set to ACTIVE. When a hold is cancelled, filled, or expired the status is set to INACTIVE, which disables the hold from any circulation operations, but allows SirsiDynix Symphony to keep track of the hold and its condition before it was made inactive. Inactive holds do not display in the workstation or iBistro (WebCat), but can be viewed through reports. Use the Policy List gadget to select ACTIVE or INACTIVE.

Inactive Reason

Holds selected by the report became inactive for this specified reason. The INACTIVE status is linked to a Hold Reason policy which defines what type of inactive reason it is. The delivered Hold Reason policies, which should never be renamed or removed, are used by the system when a hold is filled, is cancelled by the user, has past its expiration date and is set to EXPIRED by the Expire Holds report, or is cancelled because the material was placed on reserve. The reasons are set automatically whenever the hold becomes inactive. Select CANCELLED, EXPIRED, FILLED, or RSV_CANCEL from the list.

Item Library

All holds in the report are on items that belong to the specific library or libraries. Use the Policy List gadget to select libraries. If no value is selected, all libraries are included.


The holds selected by the report were placed at the specified level.

Copy — Selects only holds placed at the copy level. This level includes only the exact copy specified when the hold was placed.

Title selects only holds placed at the title level. This level includes any call number or copy in a particular library associated with the title for which the hold was placed. In Demand Management, this level includes all copies of a title whose call numbers’ date, volume, or issue information is the same, regardless of the base call numbers. This provides a ”volume-level” hold capability when the call numbers’ |z subfields are different between call numbers.

No Holds Barred

If Yes, the holds listed in the report are system range holds that were overridden when they were placed. If No, the report excludes system range holds that were overridden when they were placed. If Both, all system range holds are included in the report.

Number of Pickup Notices

The holds included in the report have had this number of pickup notices sent to the user who placed the hold. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget. For this number to increment automatically, you must select ”Count as a notice sent” in the Hold Notice output options.

On Reserve

This selection is only useful to libraries that have the Academic Reserves module. If Yes, the holds in the report are for reserve desk items only. If No, reserve desk items are excluded. If Both is selected, all are included.

Pickup Library

The holds in the report will be picked up at the specified library. This can be selected by the library staff, or it defaults to the library of the user’s login. Use the Library gadget to select libraries. If no value is selected, all libraries are included.

Placed At Library

The holds in the report were placed from the specified library user’s login. Use the Library gadget to select libraries. If no value is selected, all libraries are included.


The holds included in the report have this hold priority. Hold priority is determined in the User Profile policy and may be set from 100-199, with lower numbers in the range representing the higher priority, meaning that if two users place a hold on the same item, the user with a priority of 125 will be notified of an available item before the user with a priority of 150. Some holds are automatically assigned a higher priority. For instance, when the hold is placed and the ”make hold first in queue” option is selected, the hold is given a priority ranking of one. When the ”hold reserve desk item” option is selected, it is given a priority ranking of zero. To select a range of priority numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Recall Status

The holds in the report are the specified status. If the status is not changed to Rush or None when the hold is placed by library staff, the recall status defaults to Standard. Use the Policy List gadget to select statuses.

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