Print Order Tab

Print Order Tab includes the following sections.

Order Information Print Output displays information from the order, including the amount either ordered, funded, invoiced, or paid, the dates ready, mailed, claimed and canceled, the extended information for the order (such as notes and comments), and the numbers ordered, received, invoiced, paid, outstanding or canceled.
Order Line Information Print Output displays information from each order line, including amounts, the extended information for the order line (such as notes and comments), bibliographic information for each order line, funding and payment dates.
Segments Information Print Output displays information for order line segments, including cancellation, claiming, distribution and funding information.

The Print Order tab also has the following options that can be used to customize the order information that prints in the report output.

Order/Order Line Record Per Page

Select the Order/Order Line Record Per Page check box to print single order/order line record on each page. An order/order line record contains all information for a single order, including order lines, and subtotals (if any). For an example, see Print Order Output Results.


Select the Subtotals check box to print subtotals for each selected order in the report output. Subtotal information includes the amount encumbered, invoiced, or paid, and the number of copies received, invoiced, or paid for each selected order. This information is printed at the end of the order information. For an example, see Print Order Output Results.


Select the Summary check box to print a summary total of all selected order lines in the report output. Summary information includes the amount encumbered, invoiced, or paid, and the number of copies received, invoiced, or paid for all selected orders. Totals are listed on a separate page. For an example, see Print Order Output Results.

XML Output

If the XML Output check box is selected, the report results are written to an EXtensible Markup Languange (XML) file. The XML file can be viewed in a browser window or opened with a third-party application, such as a spreadsheet application. By default, the XML Output check box is cleared.

For non-notice reports, this file is saved in the /Rptprint directory with the naming convention internalrptname.prn, such as ahdb.prn. The report log lists the report file name.

The Default Style Sheet field on the report’s Style Sheet tab specifies the EXtensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) file that is to be used to display and print the report output.