Order Line Selection Tab

The Order Line Selection tab contains fields that are used to select order records for a report. This tab may contain any of the following fields.

Amount Encumbered

All order lines in the report have the specified amount committed from a fund for the purchase. The encumbered amount is not yet invoiced or paid. Once an amount is invoiced or paid, it is no longer recorded in the Amount Encumbered field. Use the Amount Range gadget to select an amount.

Amount Invoiced

All order lines in the report have the specified amount invoiced for the purchase, indicating that an invoice line has been created. Order lines paid directly are not included in this amount. The invoiced amount is not yet paid. Once an amount is invoiced, it is no longer recorded in the Amount Encumbered field. Use the Amount Range gadget to select an amount.

Acquisitions Material Type

All order lines selected by the report will be for items of the specified acquisitions material type. Use the Policy List gadget to select acquisitions material types.


All order lines in the report will be in the specified currency. Use the Policy List gadget to select currencies.

Date Ordered

Orders were placed for all order lines in the report on this specified date. If no date is entered, all orders are included. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.

Date Mailed

A purchase order was mailed for all order lines in the report on this specified date. If no date is entered, all orders are included. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.

Date to Renew

All order lines in the report are of the dated type, such as subscription, and are scheduled to be renewed on this specified date. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.


All order lines in the report have been reduced using the specified discount percentage. To select a discount percentage, use the Number Range gadget.

Any order line that was created using the NONE option in the Discount field will be selected as 0.0 percent by this report.

Discount Frozen

If Yes is selected, all order lines in the report have a fixed discount percentage entered into the Discount field. If No is selected, all order lines in the report will have TABLE in the Discount field, which automatically calculates a discount percentage based on either monetary (up to a certain monetary amount) or quantity (up to a certain number of copies) discounts maintained in the vendor record. If Both is selected, all discounts are included.

Entry List

All order lines selected by the report have one of the specified entry lists in the Bib Entries field of the order line record. The Bib Entries field indicates the bibliographic information that is included when an order line is displayed at the workstation or bibliographic order line information is printed in the report output. The default Entry List is ACQ (in the catalog Entry ID policies), which includes bibliographic entries for author, title, edition, and publication information. The Entry List is unique to an individual order line, and can be any entry list or ID that is defined, including FULL, BRIEF, or individual entry numbers. Use the String List gadget to select a list of entries.

It is possible to define multiple individual entries in the Bib Entries field of the order line, but this Entry List selection is not inclusive; this means that selecting 245 will not select all Entry Lists which include 245, but only those that are defined specifically as 245. For instance, if you entered 100,245 into the Entry List field, the report would include only order lines with either 100 only or 245 only in the Bib Entries field, so the Bib Entries field 100,245 would not be selected. However, selecting ACQ includes all order lines with ACQ in the Bib Entries field.

Note: For UNIMARC formats, you will need to modify the ACQ entry list to include the UNIMARC entries for author, title, edition, and publication information.

Exchange Frozen

If Yes is selected, all order lines in the report have a fixed, numeric exchange rate defined in the Exchange field. If No is selected, all order lines in the report will have TABLE in the Exch field, which is automatically modified when the exchange rate from the specified Currency policy is updated. If Both is selected, all exchange rates are included.

Exchange Rate

All order lines in the report have been converted using the specified exchange rate. The exchange rate is the number of foreign currency units in a single native currency unit. To select a range of rates, use the Number Range gadget.

Extended Info

Each order line in the report has the specified text in the specified entry of its extended information. To select entries and text, use the VED List gadget.

Extended Price

All order lines in the report have the specified extended price, which is the unit price times the number of copies ordered. Use the Amount Range gadget to select a price.


All order lines selected by the report are associated with this specified library or libraries. Use the Policy List gadget to select a library. Only the acquisitions maintenance libraries for the station library can be selected.

Linked to Catalog

If Yes is selected, order lines selected will be specifically linked to a SirsiDynix Symphony catalog record. Usually this is a bibliographic record, but it can also be a shadowed record, such as SUPPLIES, that is created for the purpose of tracking payment. If No is selected, only order lines that are not linked to any type of catalog record will be selected.

Multiple Parts

If Yes is selected, each order line selected by the report will be for multiple parts or volumes. If No is selected, multiple part order lines will be excluded. If Both is selected, all orderlines are included.

Number of Copies

All order lines in the report have the specified number of ordered copies. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Copies Cancelled

All order lines in the report have a cancel segment or segments canceling the specified number of copies. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Copies Claimed

All order lines in the report have a claim segment or segments claiming the specified number of copies. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Copies Delivered

All order lines in the report have a user distribution segment or segments with the specified number of copies already delivered to the user. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Copies Funded

All order lines in the report have a funding segment with the specified number of copies funded, indicating that a fund has been designated to pay for the copies. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Copies Holding Dist

All order lines in the report have a holding distribution segment or segments with the specified number of copies. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Copies Invoiced

All order lines in the report have had invoice lines created but not paid for the specified number of copies. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Copies Loaded

All order lines in the report have a holding distribution segment with the specified number of copies loaded into the catalog. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Copies Paid

All order lines in the report have been paid for the specified number of copies. Payment can be made either with or without an invoice in SirsiDynix Symphony. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Copies Received

All order lines in the report have received the specified number of copies. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Segments

All order lines have the specified number of segments. Every order line may have one or more funding, distribution, claim, and/or cancel segments. A segment is a special record that can never exist by itself, but must be attached to an order line. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Part Names

In multiple part order lines, the names used in the parts field may be selected specifically. For instance, if you label multi-volume orders VOL., you can enter VOL. in your text string. You may also search for a specific volume range. Use the String List gadget to select part names.

Renewal Period

All order lines in the report are of the dated type, such as subscription, and are to be renewed after the specified time period has lapsed. The renewal period is in number of days, so an annual subscription would have a renewal period of 365. To select a renewal period range, use the Number Range gadget.

Total Amount Paid

All order lines in the report have the specified amount paid for the purchase, whether an invoice line has been created and paid or the order was paid directly. Once an amount is paid, it is no longer recorded in the Amount Encumbered or the Amount Invoiced field. Use the Amount Range gadget to select an amount.

Unit List Price

All order lines in the report have the specified unit list price, which is the price prior to applying any discount. Use the Amount Range gadget to select a price.

Unit Price

All order lines in the report have the specified unit price, which is the unit list price after applying any discount. Use the Amount Range gadget to select a price.

Vendor’s Extended Price

All order lines in the report have the specified vendor’s extended price, which is the unit price in the vendor’s currency times the number of copies ordered. Use the Amount Range gadget to select a price.

Vendor’s Unit List Price

All order lines in the report have the specified vendor’s unit list price, which is the unit list price in the vendor’s currency. Use the Amount Range gadget to select a price.

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