Display Tab for Entries

This tab contains the following attributes.

The attributes that appear will depend on the purpose of the Format policy.

Display Flag

This attribute displays for Z3950-purpose formats only. If this attribute is selected, this entry will display.

Holding Display

This attribute displays for Z3950-purpose formats. When a holdings database is searched, if a matching record is found, it is displayed to the Z39.50 client. The display of holdings entries can be suppressed or allowed.

Example The 020 entry was used for searching a holdings server. If a matching record is found on the holdings server, the record appears. The ISBN field may be useful in comparing the local and remote records, so it is advisable to select the 020 entry’s Holding Display attribute.


This section displays a table of Display variations. The variations contain different labels that may appear for the entry, based on the indicators present in the record. Select a variation and the text boxes below the table will display the variation’s indicator 2, label, and subfields values. To change how this entry is displayed, make changes to these values and click Update. To create a new Display variation, make changes to these values and click Create. To remove a Display variation, select the variation and click Remove.

Display Variations attributes affect the entry label based on the content of the indicator positions in MARC authority records. In addition to the Label, Subfields, and Send Unformatted attributes, you will need to specify which indicator in the record should be considered (if any) and which values to look for in the indicator positions (from the list of valid indicator values).

Indicators must have been previously defined in the Basic Tab for Entries.


For example, the display label used for the 246 (Varying Form of Title) entry is determined by the value in the second indicator position. As defined in the MARC 21 guidelines, if the second indicator is “4,” then the label “Cover title” should be used for the display of the 246 entry. In the MARC Format, the 246 entry will have a Display Variation for each of the valid values for Indicator 2. Display Variation 4 could be configured to display the label “Cover title” if Indicator 2 has a value of “4.” All subfields should appear except the obsolete ones (|d and |e) and the linkage subfield (|6).

Even if the indicators have no bearing on the display of the entry’s label, Display Variation attributes are used to specify which subfields should display.


If two or more display variations use the same indicators, SirsiDynix Symphony uses the variation highest on the list of display variations.

Indicator 1

This attribute appears when the display label can change based on the indicator values in the record using this Format. For more information about valid indicators, go toBasic Tab for Entries.

Indicator 2

This attribute appears when the display label can change based on the indicator values in the record using this Format. For more information about valid indicators, go toBasic Tab for Entries.


This attribute specifies the label to use for this entry. This label may be modified, but if it is changed in the Format policy, it appears exactly as typed regardless of the language being used in the workstation. If your site uses multiple languages, entry labels should be modified in the Language files by an API user. If you do not have any API-trained staff, contact the SirsiDynix Customer Support for assistance.


This attribute specifies which subfields to display with this entry. Use the Display Subfields gadget to select applicable subfields.

Note: The |= and |? subfields are used internally by SirsiDynix Symphony and are always excluded from display.

For the 245 entry, the subfields you select in this attribute will be the subfields included when the title is printed in notice reports.

Send Unformatted

This attribute is used in MARC catalog-purpose and Z39.50-purpose formats. This attribute indicates whether the data should be sent to the workstation formatted for display as well as unformatted. Unformatted data does not display, but is available for use by hypertext, WWW, and image file linking. Select the check box to send data to the workstation unformatted; clear the check box to send data formatted.

Ranking for Hit List Displays

This attribute is used to indicate a ranking of up to four lines to appear in any wizard that retrieves a list of bibliographic records, or in the e-Library catalog hit list display. This attribute is also the first step in Configure WF Client Catalog Hit List Columns Policy. For each line, the user is prompted to input a ranking, between 1–999, for this entry to guide hit list displays. In Line 1, the first entry with a rank of 1 will appear as the first field of a hit list display. If no entries exist with that rank, then the first with a rank of 2 will appear. In Line 2, the first entry with a rank of 1 will appear as the second field of a hit list display. If no entries exist with that rank, then the first with a rank of 2 will appear. The same pattern is used in Lines 3 and 4.

For example, for the SERIAL Format, a library may specify that the serial title should always appear first in a hit list display, followed by the publication information, then either the earlier title or later title entry (preferably the later title entry). To accomplish this, the 245 entry should have a Line 1 ranking of 1 and no other entries should be listed for Line 1. Since the 245 entry appears in all MARC serial records, this entry will always appear on a hit list. To display publication information as the second field, assign a Line 2 ranking of 1 to the 260 entry. For the third field of the hit list display, assign a Line 3 ranking of 1 to the 785 entry, and assign a Line 4 ranking of 2 to the 780 entry.

Listed below is the SirsiDynix Symphony standard delivery for the MARC monograph format rankings. Note that all other entry ID rankings are set to NONE.

Line 1 (Title)

Line 2 (Author)

245 (rank 1)

100 (rank 1)

240 (rank 2)

110 (rank 1)

242 (rank 3)

111 (rank 1)

243 (rank 3)

130 (rank 1)


700 (rank 2)


705 (rank 2)


710 (rank 2)


711 (rank 2)


715 (rank 2)

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