Basic Tab for Entries

This tab contains the following attributes.

Entry ID

This attribute contains the entry ID used with this Format policy. Entry IDs must be unique, and if the format is MARC, the entry ID must correspond to the MARC tag number. Select a previously created entry ID from the list. If the entry ID does not exist, click the Entry ID Policy helper to create a new one. For more information, go to the Entry ID Policy helper (Entry ID Wizard) topic.

Note: The entry IDs presented in the list are specific to the format purpose. For example, catalog-purpose entry IDs will appear for catalog (MARC) formats, and request-purpose entry IDs will appear for request formats.

Internal Entry Number

This attribute contains the internal entry number used by the system. This number ranges from 1000 to 9999 and is assigned by SirsiDynix Symphony. When creating an entry, the internal entry number displays as zero until the entry is saved; then SirsiDynix Symphony assigns the next available internal entry number for this format policy type.

Important: SirsiDynix does not recommend modifying existing internal entry numbers.

Entry Name

This attribute describes the entry ID.

Allow Edit/Create

This attribute specifies whether or not the entry may be edited or created. To prevent an entry from being edited or created, clear this check box.


This attribute is used to require that data be typed in an entry. The text **REQUIRED FIELD** is added to the data portion of the entry if this attribute is selected. If you do not type any data in a required field and attempt to save the record, the client will display the message “You must enter data for entry [entry ID].” The record will not be saved until you type data in the field.

Valid Indicator 1

For MARC formats only, the Valid Indicator 1 attribute is used to build a list of values permitted for use in the indicator positions of this entry. Use the Display Indicator List gadget to show that all indicators are valid, that none of the listed indicators are valid, or only selected indicators are valid. To select valid indicators, click the Selected radio button, then select the indicators you decide are valid. Click OK to save your selections.

A Default box appears adjacent to this attribute and allows you to select a default indicator that displays in the cataloging template when creating a record that contains this entry. For example, the default value for the 100 entry would be 1.

Note: The Valid Indicator 1 attribute is used only if the system is configured for format validation.

This attribute is only applicable if the entry permits the use of indicators.

If you type “*” into this attribute (meaning any indicator) or click ANY, the list for the Default box contains the numbers 1-9 and the term SPACE. If SPACE is selected, when the gadget exits, the attribute value is replaced with a space (“ “).

When format validation is configured, every time you save changes to an item, the entire MARC record is validated against the format policies. If there are any invalid tags or subfields, the edit cannot be saved until the discrepancy is corrected. Format validation is not encouraged, but if you wish to use it, contact SirsiDynix Customer Support.

For examples, according to MARC 21 guidelines, the 650 (Topical Subject Heading) entry permits the use of both indicator positions. Indicator 1 permits 0-2 as valid values, and Indicator 2 permits 0-7 as allowable values. If the entry description for the 650 entry has defined valid values for Indicator 1 as 0-2, and Indicator 2 has been configured to allow 0-7, then if someone types a four into the Indicator 1 position, the system will display an error message. If a four is typed in the Indicator 2 position, no error message will appear, since four is a valid value for Indicator 2.

Valid Indicator 2

For MARC formats only, the Valid Indicator 2 attribute is used to build a list of values permitted for use in the indicator positions of this entry. Use the Display Indicator List gadget to show that all indicators are valid, that none of the listed indicators are valid, or only selected indicators are valid. To select valid indicators, click the Selected radio button, then select the indicators you decide are valid. Click OK to save your selections.

A Default box appears adjacent to this attribute and allows you to select a default indicator that displays in the cataloging template when creating a record that contains this entry. For example, if a library uses Library of Congress Subject Headings when cataloging, the Indicator 2 attribute of the 650 entry could have a default value of 0 (zero).

Note: The Valid Indicator 2 attribute is used only if the system is configured for format validation.

This attribute is only applicable if the entry permits the use of indicators.

If you type “*” into this attribute (meaning any indicator) or select ANY, the list for the Default box contains the numbers 1-9 and the term SPACE. If SPACE is selected, when the gadget exits, the attribute value is replace with a space (“ ”).

When format validation is configured, every time you save changes to an item, the entire MARC record is validated against the format policies. If there are any invalid tags or subfields, the edit cannot be saved until the discrepancy is corrected. Format validation is not encouraged, but if you wish to use it, contact SirsiDynix Customer Support.

Data Type

This attribute is used to specify whether the data in this entry must be alphabetic, alphanumeric, numeric, printable (ASCII codes 33-126), or whether the data may be any type of character. Select a data type from the list.

Valid Subfields

This attribute contains the subfields of this entry that are valid for this Format policy. Use the Display Legal Class Subfields gadget to select valid subfields. You can also indicate whether or not these subfields are repeatable. Click OK to save your selections.

Note: This attribute is used only if the system is configured for format validation and will only appear if the Format policy is MARC.

When format validation is configured, every time you save changes to an item, the entire MARC record is validated against the format policies. If there are any invalid tags or subfields, the edit cannot be saved until the discrepancy is corrected. Format validation is not encouraged, but if you wish to use it, contact SirsiDynix Customer Support.

For example, according to MARC 21 guidelines, only four subfields are recognized as valid in the 020 (ISBN) entry: |a,|c, |z, and |6. To prevent use of an illegal subfield, or to serve as a validation check, the 020 entry in a Format policy may have a Valid Subfields attribute containing only the |a, |c, |z, and |6. If a subfield other than the four listed in this attribute is used, SirsiDynix Symphony will display an error message.

Minimum Size

This attribute is used to enforce a limit on the number of characters that can be typed in an entry. The smallest allowable value is zero; the largest allowable value is 9,999.

Maximum Size

This attribute is used to enforce a limit on the number of characters that can be typed in an entry. The smallest allowable value is zero; the largest allowable value is 9,999.

Default Entry Value At Record Creation

This attribute is used to specify default data that will appear in an entry when a catalog record is created. The default data may be up to 200 characters. The pipe character (|) may not be included in this attribute.

For example, when a record is created in the workstation, SirsiDynix Symphony can create a 598 (Bulletin heading) entry with the default text “NEWITEM”; If the system has been configured to display a list of new books, this item will appear on the list. If this new item should not be included on the list, delete the 598 entry from the record.

Note: The order of fields may not be preserved in the editing display if default text is used.

Search ID

The Search ID attribute appears for the Hyperion Format policies. This attribute links to a BRS internal paragraph name to facilitate Hyperion metadata searching by entry ID.

The Search ID attribute also appears for User Extended Information and User Address format entries. For more information, see Basic Tab for Extended Information Format Entries and Basic Tab for Address and EDI Address Format Entries.

Entry Type

To indicate any special meanings or uses of this entry, entry types may be specified. This attribute is also used to determine if other Format policy attributes are used by an entry. Use the Display Entry Type gadget to select an entry type. More than one entry type may apply. Based on the Format policy’s purpose, the entry types may vary. When entry types are selected and saved, codes for the entry types will appear in the Entry Type text box. For more information, see the Entry Types topic.

Important: Modify entry types for entries only if directed by SirsiDynix Customer Support.


This entry type is used to display a user extended information field as a dialog box when the associated user record is loaded via the CheckOut or Display User wizard.

Note: Any Entry IDs tied to the Alert entry type must also be included in the Full synonym list display policy (example: USERX-FULL) in order for the note to display within an Alert dialog box. Furthermore, the "Display user extended info alerts" behavior setting for the CheckOut and Display User wizard properties must be set.

Alternate Hold ID

This entry type is used to display a user extended information field as an alternate user name within places like the Manage Hold Shelf wizard and hold wrappers/slips.

For Catalog-purpose entries and Community Info-purpose entries, the following entry types are delivered.

Call Number Overflow
Hypertext Entry
Item Holdings
Libraries Entry
Latest Serial Issues
Main Entry
MARC Holdings
Pub Date (YY)
Pub Date (YYYY)
Triple Posted
Uniform Title
WWW Image

For Authority-purpose entries, the following entry types are delivered.

Authoritative Term
Complex See Reference
Complex See Also Reference
Floating Subdivision
Improper Term
Old Authoritative Term
Unlabeled Reference

For Request-purpose entries, the following entry types are delivered.

Email Address
Phone Number
Staff Only
User Reply
Z3950 Database Name
Zip Code

For Fund, Order, Orderline, Vendor, Authority, Course, Item, Reserve, and User Extended Information-purpose entries, the following entry types are delivered.

Alternate Hold ID
Circulation Note
Public Note
Staff Note
Staff Only
Union Status

For Serial Extended Information-purpose entries, the following entry types are delivered.

Physical Form

For Vendor, EDI, and User Address-purpose entries, the following entry types are delivered.

Email Address
Phone Number
Zip Code

Entry Class

Each entry is assigned one of the following entry classes: LEADER, FIXED, CONTROL, CODED, or VARIABLE. Select an entry class from the list. Most entries are VARIABLE, and when a new entry is added, it defaults to the VARIABLE entry class. The entry class may be modified when creating custom formats or adding custom entries to existing formats, typically UNIMARC formats.

Important: Do not modify the entry class for entries in the SirsiDynix-delivered formats.

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