Resource Type Wizard

The Resource Type policies are used to define the structural units and rules that are used for building the metadata hierarchy. The resource type is essentially a logical record that identifies and describes a type of node in the metadata hierarchy. These nodes may represent actual works or collections of related works. Using the resource type attribute, you may build a hierarchy. When building the metadata record in Hyperion, you are asked for the Resource Type policy. This defines whether or not the resource type can contain Content or Parent characteristics.

From List Policies window, you can create, display, modify, copy, or remove the Resource Type policies. Click Close to exit the wizard.

Resource Types That Can Not Be Edited or Removed

The following resource types cannot be edited or removed from the system.



The Resource Attributes policy includes the following attributes.


The Name attribute uniquely describes the Resource Type policy. This name is ten characters or less, and may not include spaces or punctuation, except for dash (-), underscore (_), and dollar sign ($). Additionally, the pipe character (|) may not be used.


This attribute provides more information about the policy and its use by the library. The description may be up to 60 characters in length. Although the Description attribute may contain spaces and punctuation, the pipe character (|) cannot be used.


This attribute identifies the type of information contained in this organizational unit. Select a Type from the list. Currently this text box can contain one of the following attribute types.

Content — This indicates that this is a generic organizational unit (resource type) that can contain physical pages, text, images, or other data.
Parent Characteristics — This type allows the user to put additional information about the hierarchy, such as notes at each level, abstracts, descriptions of each level of the hierarchy, or additional notes specific to other types of information contained in the hierarchy.


This attribute allows you to assign a Hyperion Resource Type policy to each resource type. It is also used to add additional metadata information to an resource type as it being created, modified, or loaded with the Bulkload utility. Select a format from the list. The Extended Attributes Format helper (Metadata Format Wizard) is available for you to create new formats, if needed.

Trash Bin

This attribute indicates whether the resource type is a trash bin. The trash bin stores deleted images in a file named with the day’s date of deletion.

Trash Site

This attribute indicates whether or not the resource type is a trash site. A trash site is the upper level organizational unit for the Trash Bins. Each Hyperion system must have one and only one trash site.

Note: Trash bins and trash sites are used when resource type images are deleted. They are not used when new resources are being created.


This attribute specifies the .bmp file that is associated with a particular resource type. This field is required, but is no longer used with the Hyperion client on the Java platform. Select an icon from the list.

WebCat Icon

This attribute specifies the .gif file that is associated with metadata records that contain the Resource Type policy. This icon is seen and used in the e-Library. Select an icon from the list.

Note: The WebCat Icon is also the icon displayed in the Hyperion client on the Java platform.


Controlled by the Type attribute, the Children attribute lists the children that may be added to resource types. However, these resource types must have a Type of CONTENT. Use the Policy List gadget to select Children.

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