MARC Help Link Wizard

The MARC Help Link policies are used to specify websites where you can access external helps to define MARC tags. These helps are then accessed with a right-click drop-down menu within the MARC field editor of the Add Title, Modify Title, Duplicate Title, Add Authority, Modify Authority, and Duplicate Authority cataloging wizards. The help links are only available for MARC style records.

The LC and RDATOOLKIT policies are delivered and contain the appropriate URLs to take you to the Library of Congress or Resource Description and Access webpages that give information about the selected MARC tags.

You also have the ability to add your own policies to access external help, but you must configure the URLs to match our parameters outlined in Bibliographic Searching URL and Authority Searching URL.

From the List Policies window, you can create, display, modify, copy, or remove the MARC Help Link policies. Click Close to exit the wizard.


The MARC Help Link wizard displays the following attributes


This attribute uniquely describes the policy. This name is ten characters or less, and may not include spaces or punctuation, except for dash (-), underscore (_), and dollar sign ($). Additionally, the pipe character (|) may not be used.


This attribute provides more information about the policy and is the displayed name of the link within the MARC field editor. The description may be up to 60 characters in length. Although the Description attribute may contain spaces and punctuation, the pipe character (|) cannot be used.

If this attribute is left blank, the Name attribute will display in the right-click menu in the cataloging wizards.

Bibliographic Searching URL

This attribute specifies the URL that provides bibliographic information about the MARC tag of the selected field. The URL must be configured with <tag> where parameters in the URL call for the tag number.

For example, the delivered RDATOOLKIT policy contains the URL
Bib&tag=<tag>, and if the 245 field is selected you will be directed to

This attribute is required.

Authority Searching URL

This attribute specifies the URL that provides authority information about the MARC tag of the selected field. The URL must be configured with <tag> where parameters in the URL call for the tag number.

For example, the delivered RDATOOLKIT policy contains the URL
Auth&tag=<tag>, and if the 150 field is selected you will be directed to

If a record has no leader tag, it will be treated as a bibliographic record and use the bibliographic searching URL.

This attribute is required.

Leader URL Translation

This attribute replaces the leader of the <tag> position in the URL to something other than 000, if specified. If left blank, the <tag> position defaults to 000.

For example, LC requires 000 to be translated to “leader” in order for the URL to resolve properly.

Of the delivered policies, only LC has this attribute specified.

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