Consortium Group Wizard

The Consortium Group policy is used to create groups of libraries. These groups can be used by the Consortium Membership Wizard or the Library Display Profile Wizard, or both. Which libraries you choose to group together in a Consortium Group policy will depend on how your consortium intends to use that particular group of libraries.

Use with the Consortium Membership policy

If you are creating Consortium Group policies for use by the system's Consortium Membership policy, your library selections should be based on the actual organization of your consortium. For example, if your consortium is organized according to where its branches are geographically located, you may have one Consortium Group policy for each geographical region in which your consortium has branches located; each policy would contain the libraries corresponding to the region the policy represents, as in the following example structure:

MAIN (Consortium Membership)
NORTH (Consortium Group)
Northeast Library (Library)
Northwest Library (Library)
SOUTH (Consortium Group)
Southeast Library (Library)
Southwest Library (Library)

Use with Library Display Profile policies

If you are creating Consortium Group policies for use by a Library Display Profile policy, you can group your library selections appropriate to which call number/item results you want WorkFlows to group together in the call number/item tree. For example, in the example structure used in the previous section, the system administrator of the MAIN consortium may not want to group the NORTH libraries' call number/item tree results with those of the SOUTH libraries; in this case, the administrators of MAIN can create a Library Display Profile policy that includes consortium groups that contain NORTH libraries but not SOUTH libraries. The administrator can then specify which Library Display Profile policy they want each branch to use in that branch's Library policy; for more information on using this Library policy property, see the Library Display Profile section of the Library Wizard help topic.

After a library display profile has been assigned to a library, the call number and item results for the libraries in the library display profile will appear grouped together under nodes in the call number/item tree, one node for each consortium group in the library display profile. If the station library is not included in any of the Consortium Group policies associated with the selected Library Display Profile policy, WorkFlows lists the station library results in the call number/item tree first, in its own group.

Libraries that are not a part of a consortium group will display in their own nodes in the call number/item tree.

The call number and item results under each consortium group node are organized by library, with each library in the group listed in alphabetical order.

From the List Policies window, you can create, display, modify, copy, or remove the Consortium Group policies. Click Close to exit the wizard.


The Consortium Group policy contains the following attributes:


The Name attribute represents a specific currency. This name is ten characters or less, and may not include spaces or punctuation, except for dash (-), underscore (_), and dollar sign ($). Additionally, the pipe character (|) may not be used.


This attribute provides more information about the policy and its use by the library. The description may be up to 60 characters in length. Although the Description attribute may contain spaces and punctuation, the pipe character (|) cannot be used.


This attribute specifies which libraries make up this Consortium Group. Click the Policy List gadget and select Library policies from the list.

Note: While you can add a particular Library policy to more than one Consortium Group policy, SirsiDynix Symphony does not allow the duplication of Library policies among the Consortium Group policies selected for a Consortium Membership or a Library Display Profile policy. If SirsiDynix Symphony detects a duplication of Library policies among the Consortium Group policies for a Consortium Membership or Library Display Profile policy, WorkFlows disallows the saving of the policy and prompts you to resolve the duplication.

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