Command List Wizard
A command list is a named group of commands and is set up to restrict user activity to the commands necessary for the user or group of users with particular user access definitions.
Each command list consists of a group of permitted SirsiDynix Symphony commands. Each command list has a unique name which refers to that group of commands. A command list is used when it becomes an attribute of a user access definition and that user access name is assigned to a user’s record.
A permanent command list includes every possible command available to the library. This command list is called ALL and should be assigned to user access definitions where every module’s function must be available. Most activities in a library do not require every SirsiDynix Symphony command, so separate command lists are created for just the commands that are needed. Since activity at public access workstations should be limited to just a few commands, the SirsiDynix Symphony administrator might want to create a command list called PUBLIC that just permits the Find Item, Search Item, and Display1 Item commands. Each command list should be named to reflect the commands that are included, such as CIRC, TECH, or PUBLIC. A command list consists of two parts: a unique command list name and the list of commands.
The command list selected for a workstation client or a group of workstations is the list of commands permitted for use when they begin the workstation client program. To use a command that has not been permitted in the current command list, a user must type in the command and type a password (operator ID code) that permits use of that command.
From the List Policies window, you can create, display, modify, copy, or remove Command List policies. Click Close to exit the wizard.
The Command List policy includes the following attributes.
• | Name |
• | Description |
• | Command Code |
This attribute may be any word or name. It is helpful if the command list names reflect the scope of the workstation client or staff group using them, such as PUBLIC, TECH, or CIRC. This name is ten characters or less, and may not include spaces or punctuation, except for dash (-), underscore (_), and dollar sign ($). Additionally, the pipe character (|) may not be used.
This attribute describes the purpose or intended users of a given command list. This attribute provides more information about the policy and its use by the library. The description may be up to 60 characters in length. Although the Description attribute may contain spaces and punctuation, the pipe character (|) cannot be used.
This attribute lists the SirsiDynix Symphony commands that are grouped in a given Command List policy. Use the Policy List gadget to select commands.
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