Paying Bills Wizard Properties

You can change certain system settings for the Paying Bills wizard using the Set Properties window. The Paying Bills wizard allows you to set the following properties.

Display Property Page

You can choose when to display the Paying Bills wizard’s Set Properties window by selecting one of the following options.

Wizard Startup – Displays the Set Properties window the first time you access the wizard until you end the wizard session or log off the client.
Never – Does not display the Set Properties window the first time you access the wizard. If Never is selected and you want to open the Set Properties window, point to the wizard’s toolbar button, right-click, and then click Properties on the shortcut menu.

Depending on the value selected in Display Property Page, defaults may appear as the first step of the wizard. Property values that are changed in the first step of a wizard are retained only until the right-click method is used to set properties.


Allow Bills to Be Forgiven/Cancelled – Select this check box to include payment types of FORGIVEN or CANCEL on the payment type list. If this property is not selected, the payment type list does not include payment types of FORGIVEN or CANCEL. This property is selected by default.

Configure Properties

Print Slip Showing Payments – Select this check box to print a receipt at the time of payment. Click the Print Slip Showing Payments button (Receipt Printing Properties) to specify the receipt header, receipt fields, and receipt footer.

To use the wizard slip printing function, you must define receipt printer availability options by selecting the Preference menu, pointing to Peripherals, and selecting the Receipt Printer option.

If the Deletion of Items with Bills feature is enabled and an item associated with a bill has been deleted from the catalog, the item ID field for that item will not appear on receipts, even if it is configured to appear.

Payment types that open cash drawer

Use the Policy List Gadget to select payment type policies that will open the cash drawer when a user pays a bill of that payment type, if a cash drawer is configured. Alternatively, you can specify which payment type policies will not open the cash drawer.

If you have a cash drawer configured but do not have any payment type policies specified in the Payment Type field, the cash drawer will always open when a user makes a payment.


Select the following default property settings.

Show bill note – Select this check box to allow the Note column to display under Individual Bills and Payments.
Show bill tax – Select this check box to allow the Tax column to display under Individual Bills and Payments.
Payment Type – Select the default Payment Type from the drop-down list. Payment Type is a required field that contains a description of the type of currency used to pay a bill. Only Payment Types defined in the library’s Payment Type policies appear in this list. Examples of Payment Types are Cash, Check, Debit Card, Paypal, and so forth. The default value is CASH.

Note: If a bill is paid with funds from a user’s credit account, the default Credit Reason will be used to describe the credit transaction.

Credit Reason – Specifies the credit reason to be used when a fine or bill is automatically paid from a credit account. A credit reason describes why the credit was issued. The list of available credit reasons is defined in the Credit Reason policies, and only withdrawal credit reasons display for this wizard. An example of a withdrawal credit reason is AUTOPAY.


On the Helpers tab, you can select the helpers you want to display in the Paying Bills wizard. Click a specific Helper button to display the Helper properties that you can set.

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