Frequently Used Hold Fields
• | Comments |
• | Date Suspended and Date Unsuspended |
• | Expires |
• | Pickup At |
• | Pickup By |
• | Recall Status |
• | Remove |
This field contains a comment that is added to the hold record. The comment will display in various Hold wizards, the Item Search and Display wizard, and the Display User wizard on the routing message at discharge and in various reports. When editing comments, you have three options: append, replace, or delete.
• | Append adds text at the end of the existing comment. |
• | Replace substitutes the existing text with another comment. |
• | Remove deletes the comment. |
Date Suspended and Date Unsuspended
The Date Suspended field contains the beginning date of the hold’s suspension. When a hold is suspended, the suspension period begins at 00:01 on the begin suspension date. The Date Unsuspended field contains the ending date of the hold’s suspension. When a hold is suspended, the suspension period ends at 00:01 on the end suspension date.
If you enter NEVER for the unsuspended date, you can suspend the hold indefinitely, provided the expiration date is set to NEVER. If you enter TODAY, you can set the suspension beginning or ending date to the current date. If you enter NEVER in both the suspension date and unsuspended date field, you can unsuspend a hold on the date it was suspended.
If you are modifying these dates, the following apply:
• | You cannot enter an unsuspended date that is after the hold expiration date. |
• | You cannot enter a suspended date that is before the current date. |

The library controls which staff members can set the suspended date and unsuspended date.
This field contains the date the hold will expire or will no longer be filled.
In Holds, this field contains the last date the user is interested in receiving the item placed on hold.
• | When a patron is editing the expiration date field either during the hold creation or from the hold list, the following apply: |
The date cannot be changed to a date before the CURRENT date.
The date cannot be changed to be beyond the default expiration date.
• | In Academic Reserves, this field contains the date that individual copies can be released from the reserve desk, or the date after which students of the specified instructor or who are enrolled in the specified course no longer need the title at the reserve desk (usually at the end of a course term). If the date is not supplied for individual copies, SirsiDynix Symphony defaults to the expiration date specified in the reserve control record. |
This field is required when a reserve control record and/or individual reserve is created. Use the Calendar gadget to select an expiration or enter TODAY or NEVER.
This field indicates the library where the user will pick up the materials. Staff can modify this field to reflect any value in the SirsiDynix Symphony Library policy.
Each hold record has a Hold Library field, an Item Library field, and a Pickup Library field. When the hold is created, the Hold Library field is set to the library creating the hold. The Pickup Library is set to the library where the user wants to pick up the item when available. The Item Library field is set to the item’s owning library. If left blank, the Pickup Library field defaults to the library where the hold was created.
This field displays the last date on which the user must pick up the hold before it expires on the Holds shelf. This field contains information only when the Days for Avail Holds to Expire attribute in the Library policy contains a value. If the user does not pick up the hold on or before the pickup by date, the hold will expire when the Expire Available Holds (Expshlfholds) report runs.
The pickup by date is calculated automatically by SirsiDynix Symphony when the hold is made available. When calculating the hold pickup date, the system will check to see if the hold pickup date falls on a day/date the library is closed. If so, the hold pickup by date will be moved to the next open day/date.
For example, Library A is configured to hold items on the hold shelf for ten days, and the library is closed Saturdays and Sundays. A hold becomes available for pickup at Library A on 12/04/2008. When the system calculates the hold Pickup By date, it will add 10 days to the date hold is available. As a result, the hold pickup by date falls on 12/14/2008 (Sunday) which is a day the library is closed. Since the date falls on a closed date, the system moves the hold pickup by date to next open date, which is 12/15/2008.
The user will have the number of days set in the Days for Avail Holds to Expire attribute in the Library policy to pick up the hold before it expires on the Holds shelf. You can modify the Pickup By field using the Modify Item Holds wizard or the Modify User Holds wizard.
This field specifies the type of recall that has been placed on an item. The recall types are Allow Recall, No Recall, and Recall Now (RUSH). The recall type is set in the Place Hold wizard, and can be changed with the Modify User Holds wizard or Modify Item Holds wizard.
• | Allow Recall specifies that if the current user has had the item at least as long as the recall loan period specifies, even if the item is not due yet, the item can be recalled. |
• | No Recall specifies that the hold request user wait until a copy of the requested item is returned. The item is not recalled. |
• | Recall Now (RUSH) specifies that the current user’s charge due date is to be changed to the current date. A notice is sent to the current user indicating that the item is to be returned immediately. |
The recall notice tells the current borrower that the library requests the return of this item because another patron is waiting to check it out. You cannot place a recall on a copy that is not checked out.
If the item is overdue when recalled, the calculated fine is the standard overdue fine from the original date due until the end of the recall due period, plus the recall fine after the recall due period has ended until the item is returned. The overdue fine applies to the last day of the recall due period, and the recall fine starts the next day (or perhaps the next hour or minute, depending on the type of recall due period). If the recalled item is not overdue when recalled, the calculated fine is the recall fine from the end of the recall due period until it is returned.
This field allows you to specify whether to remove all holds or selected holds. If you want to remove all holds, click the Select All check box and click Remove Holds. To remove selected holds, select the Remove check box beside the hold you want to remove and click Remove Holds. You can select a property to have the Select All and Remove check boxes defaulted to remove the user holds.
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