FAQs: Displaying Items in Transit

How do I print the list of items in transit to my library?

You can print the information displayed in the Pending Transits window.

To print a list of items in transit to your library

How do I sort the list of items in transit to my library?

You can choose to sort the list of items in transit to your library. This feature is particularly helpful if you want to see a specific item in the list or if the list is lengthy. In the List of Items in Transit, click the column heading of the column you want to sort. You can sort items in ascending or descending order.

How do I see what’s in transit to another library in the system?

If your library is part of a multilibrary system, you can display a list of items in transit to another library.

To see a list of items in transit to another library

The Select Another Library window displays.

What do I do if I see the “Override Required” message?

The Pending Transits override displays only in multilibrary systems. This override displays if you try to take an item out of transit to another library. The name of the library to which the item is in transit displays in the message.

Do one of the following:

In the Transmitted Item Override box, type the code provided by your supervisor, and then press ENTER or click OK.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and keep the item in transit to the other library.

If you release the item from transit, the Current Status of the Item message displays stating that the item is needed at another library. Click Put Item In Transit or click Close to keep the item at your library.

What is the difference between the transit reasons “for shelving” and “for temporary shelving”?

The items in transit list shows the reason each item was put into transit. The for shelving transit means that the item is in transit to the library because it belongs to the library. The for temporary shelving transit means that the item is in transit because it was checked out to the library’s library user.

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