Customizing the user agreement text for a signature pad device
You can customize the text of the user agreement that appears on the signature pad device.
This process requires cycling your SirsiDynix Symphony server, during which staff and patrons cannot access SirsiDynix Symphony services. Plan your custom label updates accordingly.
For more information about cycling the SirsiDynix Symphony server, contact your system administrator.
To modify the text of the signature pad user agreement
Navigate to the /Unicorn/Language/Custom directory on your SirsiDynix Symphony server. |
Navigate to the appropriate directory based on the language for which you want to modify the user agreement text. |
Open the messages file in a text editor. |
On a blank line in the messages file, add your custom user agreement message. The line number should be 22850 and should follow the following format: |
22850|Your text here.||
Save and close the messages file. |
Check the same directory on the SirsiDynix Symphony server for a stamp file, then do one of the following: |
If the stamp file exists, open the file in a text editor. |
If the stamp file does not exist, create a new text file named stamp in the current directory. |
Do one of the following: |
If you have a previously-existing stamp file, increment the number on the MESSAGES line by one. For example, if the existing number was 1000, increment the number to 1001. |
If there isn't a MESSAGES line in the stamp file, see the other option for this step.
If you just created the stamp file, add the following line to the file, replacing the pound character (#) with a number of your choice (the current date is a good choice): |
Save and close the stamp file. |
Cycle your SirsiDynix Symphony server or wait until the time your server cycles normally. |
Your custom text will now appear within the signature pad interface.
It is possible that the updated text agreement may not show after the first time the WorkFlows client is restarted. In this case, close WorkFlows and open it again; at this point, the updated message should show properly on the signature pad device.
Related topics
Configuring a signature pad device
Customizing the icons for a signature pad device