Transfer Budget Amount Wizard

The Transfer Budget Amount wizard allows you to transfer money between funds. Using this wizard you can transfer the budget amount from one source fund to one or more destination funds. It is possible to transfer funds within a fiscal cycle and across fiscal cycles.

To transfer budget amounts

This wizard includes a Fund Level search type. To further qualify your search, click the Fund Level option and select search values for the different fund levels.

Note: An over encumbered/spent alert will appear next to funds that are over encumbered.

Note: Destination funds must exist for the selected fiscal cycle.

Note: The Preview step is recommended.

After transferring fund budgets, you can click one of the following options.

Return to Search to return to the search result list
New Search to search another fund for transfer
Close to exit the Transfer Budget Amount wizard

For more information about transferring budget amounts, see FAQs: Transferring Budget Amounts.

If the system is configured to track audit trails, an audit trail of fund transfers will be maintained in the audit trail database. A separate entry is added for each transfer.

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