Browse Fund Gadget
This gadget allows you to select a fund IDs for a field.
To select a fund ID
Click the Browse Fund gadget.  |
Select the Account Number, Fund ID, or Fund Name search index from the list. |
The Library and Fiscal Cycle values cannot be modified. These values default from Session Settings in acquisitions wizards, and to the station Library and all fund cycles in report wizards. |
Type a fund ID or fund name in the Search box, and click Search. |
A list of funds matching your search criteria appears. Use the left browse or right browse buttons to browse the complete fund list.   |
Select the fund you want from the list, then click the down arrow to add the fund ID to the list.  |
To remove a fund ID from the list, select the fund, and click the up arrow.  |
When you are finished selecting funds, click OK. |
When you close the gadget, the selected fund IDs will appear in the field along with their library values separated by the pipe character, for example, MAIN|BOOKFUND. Fund ID/library values are separated by commas.