Orders Tab (Search by Title)
The Orders tab that appears from an order search by title (or any other catalog search) displays brief information for each order associated with the title. The tab heading contains the Library (which is the Library placing the order), the Total Orderlines, Quantity Ordered, and Quantity Received for the title.
When there are no orders for a title, the Orders tab will be empty, and the header will display “Total Orderlines : None.”
See also the Orders Tab (Search by Order Data) topic.
The Orders tab contains the following information.
• | Library (Library placing the order) |
• | Fiscal |
• | Order ID |
• | Orderline |
• | Fund ID |
• | Coverage |
• | Parts in Set |
• | Quantity |
• | Quantity Received |
• | Date Mailed |
Under Change Order Display Options, you can select the following filters for the order list display.
• | All – Displays all orders for the title in the selected acquisitions library. |
• | Delivered – Displays orderlines with user distributions with an actual Date Delivered. |
• | Loaded – Displays Orderlines with holding distributions with an actual Date Loaded. |
• | Open – Displays orderlines with holding distributions where the Date Loaded is NEVER. |
• | User – Displays orderlines with user distributions where the Date Delivered is NEVER. |
On the Orders tab, you can use the following tools to display orderline information and or modify existing orderlines.
• | Display Order Tools |
• | Modify Orderline Tool |
The following fields are defined for the Orders tab.
The Coverage extended information field is used to differentiate the coverage dates of a subscription, or volumes in a series, when there are multiple orders for the same title.
The Date Mailed field contains the date the completed order was sent to the vendor. The value NEVER is the default on a new order. If the vendor has already been notified of the library’s order, this field should be set to a specific date. Typically, the Date Mailed is set to the date a purchase order notice was generated by a purchase order report in which the notice was counted as mailed. This date can also be updated manually, or a default value for Date Mailed (such as TODAY) may be set in wizard properties.
Order records are associated with a fiscal cycle. The Fiscal Cycle field identifies a particular funding period, usually a fiscal year.
Each master fund record must be assigned a unique identifier. You may modify the master fund record’s unique ID using this field. The fund ID is basically a short fund name. The maximum length for this field is 20 characters.
Order records are assigned to a library. Which libraries may display your library’s order records is controlled by the Acquisition Display Libraries attribute of your Library policy. Which libraries may maintain your library’s acquisitions records is controlled by the Acquisition Maintenance Libraries attribute of your Library policy. When you are modifying or displaying acquisitions information, you may only select those libraries who have indicated in their Library policy that you may maintain or display that library’s acquisitions.
This field, together with library and fiscal cycle, uniquely identifies a single order record. This ID can be generated by SirsiDynix Symphony, and may be used with the library and fiscal cycle, to display order information. If you type an order ID which includes alphabetic characters, they will appear in upper case. Note Order IDs must not contain spaces.
This field indicates the orderline number for the order. Every line on the order is automatically assigned an orderline number. This number identifies which line item on the order is displayed. If an orderline is removed from an order, the remaining orderlines are not re-numbered.
If the orderline represents a multipart work, such as a kit or a set, the part or volume names are recorded this field. When you receive the set, the parts that were received are listed together in a holdings statement in the order record, and the unreceived volumes are listed in a different holdings statement. This allows you to keep track of what volumes you did not receive, if any. Parts in Set can also be used when call number records are created using the Add Ordered Items to Catalog wizard. The special syntax of Parts in Set is used to add analytics to a base call number. If available, you may use the Parts in Set Gadget to select the proper parts syntax. If the gadget does not display, type parts according to the syntax defined in FAQs: Typing Orderline Parts.
SirsiDynix Symphony tracks the total number of items ordered. Canceled items and removed line items are automatically deducted from this figure.
When an orderline is displayed individually, this field represents the number of items received for that particular orderline. In a summary, this number is the total for the list of orderlines.