Orders Tab (Search by Order Data)

The Orders tab that appears when searching by order data displays brief information for each order meeting the search criteria. The data columns that display depend on the type of order search index you selected in the Order Search.

See also the Orders Tab (Search by Title) topic.

Search by Order ID

Search by Requisition Number

When a list is retrieved from a search by Requisition Number, the Orders tab contains the following information.

Search by Packing List

When a list is retrieved from a search by Packing List number, the Orders tab contains the following information.

When a search by packing list displays, no Summary tab appears.

On the Orders tab, the following tools may be available to display orderline information or modify existing orderlines.

The following fields are defined for the Orders tab.

Date Created

Automatically supplied by the system, the date that an order record was created (or duplicated) displays in this field. This date cannot be modified and is automatically maintained by SirsiDynix Symphony.

Date Mailed

The Date Mailed field contains the date the completed order was sent to the vendor. The value NEVER is the default on a new order. If the vendor has already been notified of the library’s order, this field should be set to a specific date. Typically, the Date Mailed is set to the date a purchase order notice was generated by a purchase order report in which the notice was counted as mailed. This date can also be updated manually. A default value for Date Mailed (such as TODAY) may be set in wizard properties when orders are being called in or faxed to the vendor.

Fiscal Cycle

Order records are associated with a fiscal cycle. The Fiscal Cycle field identifies a particular funding period, usually the fiscal year.

Order ID

This field, together with library and fiscal cycle, uniquely identifies a single order record. This ID can be generated by SirsiDynix Symphony, and may be used with the library and fiscal cycle, to display order information. If you type an order ID which includes alphabetic characters, they will appear in upper case.

Note: Order IDs must not contain spaces.

Order ID/Line

This field identifies an order and specific orderline. Every line on the order is automatically assigned an orderline number. This number identifies which line item on the order is displayed.


Each order can have any number of lines associated with it. When basic order information is displayed, the number of orderlines is displayed in this field.


SirsiDynix Symphony tracks the total number of items ordered. Canceled items and removed line items are automatically deducted from this figure.

Quantity Not Received

This field indicates the number of items that had been ordered but had not yet been received.

Quantity Invoiced

This field displays the total amount invoiced and linked to this order, but not yet paid. This amount includes orders placed from a particular fiscal cycle that have been invoiced, but never paid, canceled, or removed.

Requisition Number

Some libraries’ acquisitions processes use a formal purchase request form often needing supervisory approval. If this is a pre-printed, numbered form, the requisition number may be entered in this optional 1–10 character field. The requisition number acts as an alternative access point to this orderline item. The number can be used later if you want to track down the status of various orders originating from a single requisition. You may type alphabetic characters as well as numbers, but they are automatically converted to uppercase letters.


Order types are policies established by the SirsiDynix Symphony administrator. An order type not only categorizes an order but can also determine how the order is treated when received by the library. Each order type is either BASIC, RECURRING, or DATED. When an order is modified using acquisitions wizards, the order type can be modified to any other value that is of the same nature, as in basic, recurring, or dated.

Vendor ID (New Vendor ID)

Each master vendor record must be assigned a unique identifier (ID). This identifier is used throughout acquisitions and serials WorkFlows to help you quickly identify the vendor. The ID may be up to 20 characters long. For instance, Baker & Taylor might be referred to as BAKER.