FAQs: Adding Invoices

How do I add an invoice line linked to an order?

Follow these steps to create a new invoice, and add an invoice line linked to an order. To add invoice lines to an existing invoice, use the Add Invoice Lines Wizard. See the wizard topic for more information.

Exchange only appears on invoices from vendors using foreign currencies. Changes to the exchange rate can only be saved when the invoice line is paid.

If you did not select the Automatically Open Add Invoiceline When Invoice Is Created check box in the wizard default properties, after you type the Invoice ID and Vendor ID in the initial wizard step and click Add Invoice, the wizard will display the Invoice and Invoice Lines tabs. Then, use the tools on the Invoice Lines tab to add and modify invoice lines.

How do I create an invoice line linked to an order if I don’t know the order ID?

In the Add Invoiceline window, select ORDER in the Link field, then use the gadget in the Order ID field to search by the order ID.

How do I create an invoice line for a recurring (standing) order?

For a recurring order, when the item has not been received and the orderline does not exist yet, in the Add Invoicelines window, select NEW from the list. This creates a new orderline and links the invoice line to it. For a recurring order, when the item has been received and you don’t know the line number, select LAST from the list. After typing the amount, quantity, order ID, and fiscal cycle, click Add Invoiceline. An invoice with one invoice line is created, and a new orderline is created on the recurring order.

If you also create recurring orderlines with Receive Orders wizard, make sure that the orderline you are paying has not already been created before generating a new orderline with Add Invoice.

If SirsiDynix Symphony can correctly create the new orderline and mark it as invoiced, the workstation displays a “Record updated” message.

If you do not recognize a title or purchase order ID as being part of a recurring (standing) order, and you enter the order information, including Line 1, after you click Add Invoiceline, the wizard displays the following message.


The message appears because the order ID is for a recurring order. A recurring order’s line 1 is a dummy orderline which cannot be invoiced or paid.

To correct the link, clear the 1 in the Line field and click Add Invoiceline again.

How do I link invoice lines to complex funding segments?

When a link is made between an invoice line and an orderline, the invoice information is really only connected to the orderline’s funding segment. The funding segment contains fields for date invoiced, amount invoiced, and copies invoiced. Therefore, when an orderline has more than one funding segment, invoicing can become more complex. A Multiple Funding segment that is split into a number of funds, either by percentage or amount, only counts as ONE funding segment.

If only some of the copies in a complex funding order are invoiced, SirsiDynix Symphony needs assistance in deciding which copies on which fundings should be linked to the invoice information. When SirsiDynix Symphony encounters an orderline with a complex funding that is not being invoiced for all copies ordered, each funding displays in brief when creating an invoice. After marking which item’s funding is to be invoiced, click Add Invoiceline.

For example, three copies of Toward Excellence in College Teaching have been ordered. One copy is funded by the Economics Department and will be sent to the department when received. The other copies are funded by the library and will be added to the collection. If the vendor sends an invoice for only one copy, when you try to link the invoice information to the order information, SirsiDynix Symphony needs you to identify which copy is being invoiced, the Economics Department copy or one of the library copies. In the Add Invoiceline window, identify the order and orderline to link to the invoice information. Click Add Invoiceline.

You must decide which of the funding segments is to be invoiced for the one copy. The two lines under the Order ID field represent the two funding segments in the orderline being invoiced. The insertion point is in the first Quantity field. You would type the number 1 into the Quantify field of either the Economics or General fund, to be invoiced against the specified funding. The other funding fields are maintained by SirsiDynix Symphony and cannot be changed.

When an invoice arrives the next week for the other two copies, you would go through the same steps when typing the invoice information. This time, the complex funding information does not appear, since SirsiDynix Symphony needs no assistance in determining how to link the invoice information to the funding segments in the order line. There were two copies not invoiced on the order, and you just typed the invoice information for those two copies.

How can I tell if an orderline is already linked to an invoice?

When a link is made between an invoice line with an ORDER link type and an orderline, the orderline record also displays information about the invoice line. Detailed information appears on the Invoices tab when the orderline is displayed. If the Invoices tab displays NONE, the orderline is not linked to an invoice.

If invoices are linked to the orderline, the Invoices tab displays the following information.

Invoice ID
Date Paid

Additionally, the Display Invoiceline Tool is available for viewing detailed information about a selected invoice line.

How do I create an invoice line linked to a fund?

Follow these steps to create a new invoice, and add an invoice line linked to a fund. To add invoice lines to an existing invoice, use the Add Invoice Lines Wizard. See the wizard topic for more information.

Exchange only appears on invoices from vendors using foreign currencies. Changes to the exchange rate can only be saved when the invoice line is paid.

Can I auto-create invoice lines for an order when adding an invoice?

Yes. Using the Create Invoice Lines for Order helper, you can select an order and automatically create invoice lines for that order. In helper properties, you can elect to skip partially received and unreceived orderlines. Select this option if your library has a policy of paying for fully received orderlines only. Clear this option if your library pays invoices regardless of receipt status. Also, you can automatically populate the invoice line amount from the order line amount. This is useful when invoicing approval orders, or any ordering scenario where the invoice price is known when you create the order. Do not select the property to populate the invoice line amount if you know the order price and invoice price may differ. When the property is not selected, invoice lines are created for with zero amounts. You can use the Modify Invoiceline tool to update each line to reflect the invoiced amounts.

How do I create an invoice line linked to a fund if I don’t know the fund ID?

In the Add Invoiceline window, select FUND in the Link field, then use the gadget in the Fund ID field to search by the Fund ID.

How can I tell if a fund is already linked to an invoice?

When a FUND link is made between an invoice line and a fund cycle, the fund cycle record also displays information about the invoice line. Detailed invoice information displays when you use the Display Fund (Specific Cycle) wizard to find a particular fund ID and fiscal cycle you think may be linked to the invoice line. If the invoice line is currently linked to the fund, the invoice will appear in the displayed fund’s Invoices tab. The tab displays the following invoice information.

Invoice ID

Additionally, the Display Invoiceline Tool is available for viewing detailed information about a selected invoice line.

How can invoice lines be prorated for shipping or other vendor charges?

When you add or modify an invoice line, the wizard may display the message “Invoice needs to be prorated” above the invoice tabs. Use the Prorate Invoice helper to automatically prorate additional charges. SirsiDynix Symphony uses one of three types of proration to pay additional charges, such as tax, shipping, insurance, service charges.

For copy proration (Copy Prorated link type), the total number of copies in ORDER linked invoice lines is determined. The prorated amount is divided across the orderlines specified in the ORDER linked invoice lines using the ratio of copies on the invoice line to all ORDER linked copies on the invoice.
For line proration (Line Prorated link type), the total number of ORDER linked lines on the invoice is determined. The prorated amount is divided equally across the orderlines specified in the ORDER linked invoice lines.
For price proration (Price Prorated link type), the total price of all ORDER linked invoice lines is determined. The prorated amount is divided across the orderlines specified in the ORDER linked invoice lines using the ratio of the amount on the invoice line to the amount of all ORDER linked lines on the invoice.

Depending on the link type established when the invoice was created, the Prorate Invoice helper will automatically and equitably distribute the charges across invoice lines linked to the order by copy, line, or price.

Copy proration example:

An additional $10.00 shipping charge has been added to an invoice for three copies. When SirsiDynix Symphony applies copy proration, two-thirds of the shipping cost ($5.00) is assigned to the invoice line with two out of three copies. The other invoice line is assigned one-third the shipping cost ($2.50).

Line proration example:

There are two invoice lines on an invoice. An additional shipping charge of $7.50 has been added. When SirsiDynix Symphony applies line proration, the $7.50 is equally divided between the two invoice lines ($3.75 for each).

Price proration example:

An additional $7.50 shipping charge has been added to an invoice with two invoice lines (total invoice amount of $100.00), one line with a price of $80.00, and one line with a price of $20.00. Four-fifths of the shipping cost ($6.00) is assigned to the invoice line whose price is $80.00 ($80.00 is four-fifths of $100.00). The other invoice line is assigned one-fifth the shipping cost ($1.50).

How are order prices updated when invoice lines are prorated?

SirsiDynix Symphony distributes the cost of any prorated invoice lines based on the ORDER links on the invoice as follows.

If copy proration was applied to a shipping invoice line, then the actual cost of each orderline includes a portion of the shipping cost, proportionally assigned according to the number of copies invoiced.
If price proration was applied to a shipping invoice line, then the actual cost of each orderline includes a portion of the shipping cost, proportionally assigned according to the amount invoiced on each line.
If line proration was applied to a shipping invoice line, then the actual cost of each orderline includes a portion of the shipping cost, evenly assigned according to the number of lines on the invoice.

An orderlines’ Extended Order Price is never updated as a part of the proration. The calculation is recorded in the Amount Invoiced in the funding statement. Once the invoice is paid, the Amount paid is the prorated amount. Additionally, on the invoice, the proration line amount is not distributed across invoice lines. The prorated amount is recorded separately, as shipping or tax typically is on a paper invoice.

How do I distribute an invoice proration across orderlines?

When you add an invoice for an order, SirsiDynix Symphony automatically determines if the invoice needs to be prorated, and displays the “Invoice needs to be prorated” above the invoice tabs. Use the Prorate Invoice helper to prorate additional invoice charges.

On the order, the Invoiced/Not Paid field in the Order Summary displays the total amount invoiced, including the proration.
On the orderline, the Extended Order Price is never updated as a part of the proration. The calculation is recorded in the Amount Invoiced in the orderline’s funding statement.
On the invoice, the Total Amount Invoiced reflects the addition of the prorated line amount, but the amount is not prorated across individual invoice lines. The shipping or tax amount is recorded separately, as it typically is on a paper invoice.

How do I invoice partially received orderlines?

To invoice partially received orderlines, use the Receive Orders wizard to receive the order. Then, use the Add Invoice and Add Invoice Lines helpers to create invoice lines as you receive.

When and how are invoice and invoice line audit trail fields updated?

Audit trail fields for invoices and invoice lines are updated as follows.

The invoice Date Created and Created By fields are automatically populated when the invoice record is created.
The invoice Date Modified and Last Modified are set by making changes to the invoice or any invoice line.
Changes to an invoice line that can affect the invoice Date Last Modified or Last Modified By fields include adding or deleting and invoice line, editing a line, or paying or reversing payment of a line.
Changes to an invoice line that can affect the invoice line Date Last Modified or Last Modified By include editing, paying, or reversing payment.

How can I validate invoice lines for errors in price differences and quantity differences?

You can validate invoice lines for errors when the difference between the amount invoiced for an item and the discounted price of the item exceeds a threshold, when total quantity invoiced is greater than the quantity received, or both.

To validate invoice lines based on a threshold for the difference between the amount invoiced for an item and the discounted price of the item (from the orderline), select the Warn When the Difference Between Invoice Amount and Order Amount Exceeds % and $ check box in the Session Settings wizard. If this check box is selected, and a threshold is specified, warnings can display when invoice lines are validated in the following circumstances.

An invoice line linked to an order is created using the Add Invoice wizard or the Add Invoice Lines wizard.
An invoice line linked to an order is created using one of the helper or tools that automates the creation of invoice lines from orderlines.
An invoice line linked to an order is modified, and the Amount field is changed.
An invoice line linked to an order is created using the Book X12 Invoices (Bookinvoicex12) report.

You can set a percentage threshold, monetary amount threshold, or both a percentage and a monetary amount threshold.

If you specify only a percentage threshold, a warning message displays only when the difference between the amount invoiced for an item and the discounted price of the item exceeds the specified percentage.
If you specify only a monetary amount threshold, a warning message displays only when the difference between the amount invoiced for an item and the discounted price of the item exceeds the specified amount. You can type a whole monetary unit, a whole unit and a decimal unit, or a currency symbol and a monetary unit. For example, if the local currency is U.S. dollars, typing 5, 5.00, and $5.00 are all valid forms to specify the amount of five dollars.
If you specify both a percentage threshold and a monetary amount threshold, a warning message displays only when the difference between the amount invoiced for an item and the discounted price of the item exceeds the specified percentage and the specified amount.

The following message displays if the amount validation is configured, and an invoice line does not pass the validation.

WARNING: The difference between order price and invoice price exceeds the threshold.

For each invoice line that fails the amount validation, the warning message displays the invoice ID, the library for which the invoice is being created or modified, the invoice line number, the discounted unit price in native currency, and the invoiced unit price in native currency.

If you select the Warn When the Difference Between Invoice Amount and Order Amount Exceeds % and $ but do not set a percentage threshold, monetary amount threshold, or both, the setting is ignored and invoice lines are not checked for percentage or amount difference errors.

Invoice lines that use the ADJUST link type are not validated for amount differences.

To validate invoice lines when the total quantity invoiced is greater than the quantity received on the orderline, select the Warn When the Invoice Quantity Exceeds the Received Quantity check box in the Session Settings wizard. If this check box is selected, warnings can display when invoice lines are validated in the following circumstances.

An invoice line linked to an order is created using the Add Invoice wizard or the Add Invoice Lines wizard.
An invoice line linked to an order is created using one of the helper or tools that automates the creation of invoice lines from orderlines.
An invoice line linked to an order is modified, and the Quantity field is changed.
An invoice line linked to an order is created using the Book X12 Invoices report.

The following message displays if the quantity validation is configured, and an invoice line does not pass the validation.

WARNING: The quantity invoiced is greater than the quantity received.

For each invoice line that fails the amount validation, the warning message displays the invoice ID, the library for which the invoice is being created or modified, the invoice line number, the number of copies ordered, the number of copies received, and the number of copies invoiced.

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