Modify Accountability Wizard
The Modify Accountability wizard allows accountability operators to modify classification, access restrictions, and need to know restrictions for both a title and an item. The item ID or call number/copy of the classified item is required when modifying accountability information.
To modify an item’s accountability
Click the Modify Accountability wizard. |
Use the Item Search to search the accountable item to be modified. |
If your search finds results, a list of matching records displays in the hit list area. If the Viewer is turned on, the selected title will display in the lower portion of the window with the tabs Description, Call Number/Item, and Accountability. |
Select the item, click Modify, and accountability tabs display with previously entered data. |
On the Title Information Tab: Accountability, you can modify the Classification, Pending Classification, Bib Classification, Regrade Date, and Regrade Note fields. Other fields are maintained by the system and cannot be modified. |
On the Access Restrictions Tab tab, you can select a new Access Restriction from the drop-down list. Select a Review Date using the Calendar Gadget. You can add more access restriction values using the helpers at the top of the tab. |
On the Need to Know Tab tab, you can select a new Need to Know value from the drop-down list. Select a Review Date using the Calendar Gadget. Add more need to know values using the helpers at the top of the tab. |
On the Item Information Tab: Accountability tab, you can modify the accountability information for items linked to this title. On this tab, the items are presented in a call number/item tree format. As you click each item in the tree, the item accountability fields appear in the right pane. Modify item accountability information as needed. For information about the fields on this tab, see the tab topic. |
After updating information on the accountability tabs, click Modify to complete the changes, and a ”Record updated” message will display. |
After modifying an accountable item, click one of the following options.
Return to Search to return to the search list |
New Search to search another accountable item |
Close to exit the Modify Accountability wizard |
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Modify Accountability Wizard Properties