Title Information Tab: Accountability

The Title Information tab displays the accountability information for a title. This tab displays the following title accountability fields.

Bibliographic Classification

This field contains the classification of the bibliographic record associated with a title so that users who may not have clearance to check out the material may still gain access to bibliographic information about the material. This classification may be set higher, the same, or lower than the title classification for an accountability record. The bibliographic classification is used to determine if a user can see a record while searching the database. This field is required. Select a classification from the drop-down list, such as CONF, NONE, SECRET, TOP-SECRET, or UNCLASS. Classifications are defined in the Clearance Wizard.

Bibliographic Classification Modified By

This field contains the user access of the operator who modified the bibliographic classification for a title.


The title classification determines if an accountability operator can charge the accountable item to a user. This field is required. Select a classification from the drop-down list, such as CONF, NONE, SECRET, TOP-SECRET, or UNCLASS. Classifications are defined in the Clearance Wizard.

Classification Modified By

This field contains the user access of the operator who modified the title classification.

Created By

The user access of the operator who created or duplicated the record displays in this field. This field is maintained by the system and cannot be modified.

Date Created

This field displays the date that a record was created or duplicated. This date is automatically maintained by the system and cannot be modified.

Date Modified

This field contains the date the record was last modified. This information is automatically updated by the system. NEVER is the value for records not modified since creation.

Date Modified (Bib Classification)

This field contains the date the title record’s bib classification was last modified. This information is automatically updated by the system. NEVER is the value for records not modified since creation.

Date Modified (Classification)

This field contains the date the title record’s classification was last modified. This information is automatically updated by the system. NEVER is the value for records not modified since creation.

Modified By

The user access of the operator who is currently modifying the record or last modified the record displays in this field.

Pending Classification

This field allows you to assign the next level of classification a title and items should receive after a designated date.

Regrade Date

This field contains the date that the classification of a title and items should be changed to the pending classification. Use the Calendar gadget to select a date.

Regrade Note

This field allows you to type a message that is only visible to accountability operators. This field may contain special information about title’s pending classification that the accountability operator needs to know.