Add Accountability Wizard

The Add Accountability wizard allows accountability operators to assign classification, access restrictions, and need to know restrictions for both a title and an associated item. The following information is required when creating an accountability record.

Item ID or call number/copy of the classified title
Classification to be assigned to the item

To create accountability for an item

Note: A title with bound-with links cannot be made accountable. You must assign accountability to the title before the bound-with link is created. In addition, titles with different clearance levels cannot be bound together.

Note: If you selected a classification and/or bib classification that exceeds your user clearance level, the wizard will display an error message. You will need to modify the level(s) to be equal to or lower than your clearance before continuing.

Note: The Access Restrictions and Need to Know tabs appear only if configured in wizard properties to display.

After adding an accountable item, click one of the following options.

Modify to continue to make modifications to this accountable item
Return to Search to return to the search list
New Search to search another item
Close to exit the Add Accountability wizard

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