Client Keyboard Shortcuts

When in the client windows, the following keyboard shortcuts or function keys can be used instead of your mouse.

For this task


Access Windows menu items

ALT+Underlined character

Helper shortcuts


Tools shortcuts

ALT+[1, 2, 3...]

Perform various client tasks


Select Current title (cataloging wizards)


Move through wizard tables, lists, and drop-down lists


Insert or delete fields


Navigate fields


Select to the end of a field


Delete words


Select default button


Access Help and Print

F1 and F12

Navigate wizard tab panes

F6 and CTRL+F6

Navigate wizard tabs


Select or clear check boxes and radio buttons


Move about text boxes, check boxes, and radio buttons


For information about how to create keyboard shortcuts for wizards, refer to the Toolbar Management: Modifying a Toolbar topic.

For a listing of default wizard toolbar keyboard shortcuts, see Toolbar Wizard Keyboard Shortcuts.

ALT+Underlined character

Press ALT with the appropriate underlined character to access basic Windows commands (such as File, Edit, etc.) from the menu bar.

Additionally when using a wizard, press ALT with the underlined character in the wizard next step buttons to perform next step functions. In order for this to work properly, you may need to make a modification to the Windows Control Panel/Display selections. Follow these steps.

Also, some wizard next steps do not use the ALT+first character keyboard shortcut convention. The following next steps use the ALT key plus the character that appears in parentheses or another underlined character in the button label:

Delete uses ALT+x

Search uses ALT+u

Modify uses ALT+y

Modify Holdings uses ALT+g

Add Another Title uses ALT+r


When in a wizard window, you can press ALT+l to access the Helpers menu. To access a helper from the menu, press the underlined character in the helper name. For example, in the Checkout wizard, you press ALT+l to access the Helpers menu, then press h to access the Change Item ID helper.

ALT+[1, 2, 3...]

Press ALT with a number (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) to navigate tools on acquisitions and selection list tabs. A tab toolbox appears above the tables displayed on acquisitions and selection list tabs. The number associated with a tool is relative to its position on the current window. For instance ALT+1 typically displays the Modify Orderline tool on the Orderlines tab.


ALT in combination with different keys can perform various tasks in the client.

Press ALT+C to cancel an operation.
Press ALT+F4 to close a wizard window.
Press ALT+LEFT ARROW to access the Browse Backward button on wizard tabs.
Press ALT+RIGHT ARROW to access the Browse forward button on wizard tabs.


Press ALT+R to select the Current title in cataloging wizard search windows.


Use the UP and DOWN ARROW keys to move through a drop-down list; the UP and DOWN ARROW keys sometimes open this list as well. Selecting a letter or starting to type an entry name jumps to that entry in the list. When the drop-down list is open, you can also select or highlight a value and press ENTER to select the value.

When you search for an item in the catalog, you can use the UP and DOWN ARROW keys to move the highlight to an entry in the search results list. Pressing ENTER selects that entry.


Press CTRL+END from cursor placement within text in a field to highlight text from the cursor to the end of the field.


Press CTRL+DELETE to remove a word following a cursor.


Press ENTER in a client window to select the default action (typically the left-most button).

Press ENTER in a list to select the highlighted value.

F1 and F12

Press F1 to access the Help. F1 is the standard for accessing help files.

Press F12 to access the Print toolbar button.

F6 and CTRL+F6

Press F6 to move from pane to pane on the Call Number/Item detailed display tab in cataloging wizards that allow you to modify data.

Press CTRL+F6 to move from pane to pane on the Segments tab in acquisitions wizards.


Press HOME within a field to move the cursor to the beginning of the field. In the Price field, pressing HOME places the cursor immediately to the right of the currency symbol.

Press END within a field to move the cursor to the end of the field.


SHIFT+CTRL in combination with different keys can perform various tasks in the client.

In the MARC editor, press SHIFT+CTRL+ENTER to insert a field before the current field. Press CTRL+ENTER to insert a field after the current field.
In the MARC editor, use SHIFT+CTRL+DELETE to delete a field.


Use the SHIFT key and the PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN keys to navigate wizard tabs, and the ALT key and the PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN keys to navigate nested tabs on the Call Number/Item tab in the Item Search and Display wizard.

Press SHIFT+PAGE UP to move to the right of the currently selected tab.
Press SHIFT+PAGE DOWN to move to the left of the currently selected tab.
Press CTRL+SHIFT+PAGE UP to move up a row when there are multiple rows of tabs.
Press ALT+PAGE UP to move to the right of the currently selected nested tab.
Press ALT+PAGE DOWN to move to the left of the currently selected nested tab.


Press the SPACEBAR to select or clear a check box or radio button.


The TAB and SHIFT+TAB with different keys can perform various tasks in the client.

Press TAB to move between writable fields, check boxes, and buttons. A button appears as active when a dotted outline appears around the button text.
Press SHIFT+TAB to move backward between active, input text boxes, check boxes, and buttons.
TAB to a check box or radio button, then press SPACE to select the check box or radio button.
TAB to a gadget, then press ENTER to open the gadget.