Desktop Setup

To change the desktop setup, on the Preference menu, point to Desktop, then click Desktop Setup. You may change the following options.

Default Help Topic

Select a Default Help Topic from the list. This help topic will be the first to display when you click the Help button. If you do not select a default help topic, the main help topic WorkFlows Online Help will display. Note In Offline Workflows, the Offline WorkFlows topic displays.

Proxy Server Configured

Select this option if a proxy server is in use. This allows help files to display through the proxy server. Once this option is selected, you will be prompted to enter the host domain and port number of the proxy server.

Opening Wizard

Select an Opening Wizard from the list. This wizard will be the first to display upon client startup. The default is None.

Maximum Response Size

Select a Maximum Response Size using the Maximum/Minimum gadget. The Maximum Response Size field is used to specify how many characters are returned from the server before truncating the information retrieved. To view large records, for instance a user record with 500 charges and 300 holds, increase this value. The default value for this field is 3,000,000 characters.

The Maximum Response Size may need to be increased depending on the amount of results you have specified to display when doing a print screen of the results of an item search. For more information, see Maximum Displayed Results.

Display Date Format

Click a Display Date Format option, either: Server Specifies Format, American (MM/DD/YYYY), Arabic (Hijri), Asian (YYYY/MM/DD), or European (DD/MM/YYYY). If Server Specifies Format is selected, the current server date type setting in the SirsiDynix Symphony configuration file is used.

24-Hour Clock Format

Select the 24-Hour Clock Format check box if you want time display and selection options (such as in the date and time gadget in reports) to be in 24-hour format instead of in the 12-hour A.M./P.M. format. By default, this check box is cleared, and WorkFlows uses the 12-hour A.M./P.M. time format.

Default Toolbar

Select a Default Toolbar from the list. The selected toolbar is used only if you switch servers, and the most recent toolbar you used in the previous session (usually a custom toolbar) is not available on the server. By default, the Circulation toolbar is selected.

Close Group Toolbar Button After Invoking A Wizard

Select the Close Group Toolbar Button After Invoking A Wizard check box if you want the group toolbar to close while you are using a wizard from the toolbar. If this check box is cleared, the toolbar will remain open, and you can easily access other wizards from the toolbar. By default, the toolbar will close. Note This selection displays only when using WorkFlows Classic.

Display Balloon Help

Select the Display Balloon Help check box if you want ToolTip text or balloon help to display when you hover or pause the cursor over wizard icons/names or wizard group menus. Note This selection displays only when using WorkFlows Classic.

Display Flyby Help

Select the Display Flyby Help check box if you want the flyby help for toolbar buttons to display in the status bar when you hover or pause the cursor over wizard buttons. Note This selection displays only when using WorkFlows Classic.


You can select different themes for your WorkFlows desktop display. WorkFlows Classic uses the Classic theme, the traditional client display you are familiar with. WorkFlows Themes provides a new look for the desktop, which helps you to navigate more quickly between SirsiDynix Symphony modules and functions. Themes uses various color palettes for the desktop, such as Blue, Green, and Purple, and “season” palettes, such as Spring and Summer. WorkFlows Themes is the default look and feel for the WorkFlows client. Select a theme from the list, and click OK. Important Note When you change from WorkFlows Classic to a theme, you must immediately restart the workstation to use the new theme. If you do not restart the workstation, you may not be able to use the wizards or run reports. However, you do not need to restart the workstation when you change from theme to theme.

The following themes are delivered.

Primary Red
Primary Blue
Primary Green

See WorkFlows Themes for more information.

Multiple Windows Mode

If you selected a WorkFlows Theme (other than Classic), this check box becomes available. Select this check box if you want to permit multiple wizard windows to be open at one time. In WorkFlows Themes mode, only one window is open at a time, by default. If you start another wizard, the client will check whether or not it is permitted to open multiple windows. If the current open wizard safely exits, the client will start a new wizard. If the current open wizard is in a state where your intervention is required, the client will display a warning and not start the new wizard.

Note: WorkFlows Classic always permits multiple windows.

When multiple windows mode is used, and the Symbol Table is open but displays behind a window other than a wizard Properties window that was opened from the wizard’s right-click menu, the table can be brought to the front. Point to the Windows menu, then point to Active, and select Symbol Table, or press ALT+D, A, and the underlined letter for the Symbol Table option displayed in the opened menu (usually S, but may be other letters if more than one Symbol Table window is open, or if wizard windows beginning with the letter S are open).

Tabbed Windows

If you select a WorkFlows Theme (other than Classic), this check box becomes available. Select this check box to open multiple tabbed windows simultaneously in the WorkFlows Java client. Each time you open a new wizard, a new tab will display for that wizard. These tabs display on the top of the client workspace by default and cannot be reorganized, unlike in the multiple windows mode. The selected tab open in the client workspace is the active wizard. The active wizard’s name is the only wizard name displayed in the window caption. When a single wizard is opened multiple times, numbers will appear in the tab next to the wizard’s name to distinguish between each tabbed window for that wizard.

Users can switch between tabbed windows by pressing either CTRL + Tab or CTRL + Page Up to move to the next tabbed window, or either CTRL + Shift + Tab or CTRL + Page Down to move to the previous tabbed window.

To close a tab, simply click on the close icon on the right side of the tab or press CTRL + W.

Tabbed Windows On Bottom

If you select a WorkFlows Theme (other than Classic) and select the Tabbed Windows check box, this check box becomes available. Select this check box to display tabbed windows on the bottom of the client workspace. The default display for tabbed windows is at the top of the client workspace.