Item Search Properties Fields

Call Number/Item Order

If the title retrieved by the search or displayed from a list of search results using the view pane has more than one call number, the call numbers and items will display in the specified order. The following options are available.

Ascending – Displays the lowest numeric value call number first, or the earliest date. This is the delivered default.
Descending – Displays the highest numeric value call numbers first, or the earliest date.

Class Scheme

Class scheme references the Classification policies on your system. A Classification policy identifies the call number’s shelving scheme or shelving key. The class scheme automatically generates the correct shelving key based on the Classification policy that defines capitalization rules, sorting rules, and ascending or descending order. The shelving key takes the call number and, depending on the sort rule, adds zeros and spaces to different parts of the number or number/letter string. For information about standard delivery classifications and sort rules, see FAQs: Applying Classification Policies.

Format (Record Format)

This field contains the name of a Format policy. The Format policy controls the display, editing, data validation, and indexing of all fields in bibliographic, authority, and holdings records, and in extended information fields in every type of record used in SirsiDynix Symphony. A Format policy is a list of entries allowed to be used by a given type of record, along with the characteristics of each entry.

When searching, you can use a format to narrow searches to records that use a certain cataloging format, such as MARC or MUSIC.

Note: For more information about formats, see the Format Wizards topic.

Item Categories

These optional item category fields denote a copy’s special characteristics for collection management and statistical analysis. The library determines if these fields display on the screen, what characteristics these fields represent, what policy names are allowed in these fields, and the screen label name for each category field. When creating or modifying an item, select category values from the list.

Item Type

The Item Type field identifies the item’s circulation characteristics. Through the SirsiDynix Symphony policies, the library defines rules for the loan period and fines for each item type. Additionally, this field is used to denote special characteristics for the workstation user or for statistical analysis purposes. All item types are defined by the library in the SirsiDynix Symphony policies. Typical item types are BOOK, PERIODICAL, MAP, PROJECTOR, VCR, FILM, and FILMSTRIP.

When qualifying a search by item type, the search or browse will only locate titles that have at least one copy with this Item Type policy.


This field may contain a value from the Language policy, and is used to narrow searches by the language of the item, such as ENGLISH or FRENCH. SirsiDynix Symphony only locates titles printed in this language by searching the language code in the fixed field of the record.

Location Fields

Location is a policy name that indicates the physical location of the item in or outside the library. A home location is the item’s permanent location; current location is a temporary or a special status location. Each user is associated with a particular location, usually CHECKEDOUT, indicating the current location of the item is when the item is charged to that user.

When a search is limited by location, the items’ Home Location field is searched.

Home Location – Shows where the copy belongs in the owning library. Home location names usually correspond to the various collections in the library. All locations defined in your library policies display from the list, including special status location types.
Current Location – Shows where the item is now. Current location names often correspond to the various statuses (CHECKEDOUT, LOST, MISSING, REPAIR) assigned by the library. If the item is not in a special status location, the current location is equal to the item’s home location.

MARC Holdings

The MARC Holdings option in helper properties controls the display of MARC holdings information on viewed titles. MARC holdings information is often associated with serials control.

Maximum Displayed Results

This field sets the maximum number of items to display when doing a print screen of the results of an item search. The default is 500 if no value is specified.

The Maximum Response Size may need to be increased depending on the amount of results you have specified to be displayed. For more information, see Maximum Response Size in Desktop Setup.

Order of Libraries

This property affects the order of libraries in the item-level holdings list in a title display. This property displays the Name, Description, and None options. The default value is None. If this value is not modified, the item-level holdings list will display call number records in random order. If this property is set to Name, the call numbers are displayed sorted by the Library policy names. If the property is set to Description, the call numbers are displayed sorted by the Library policy descriptions. However, whatever sorting is selected, the workstation library’s holdings always appear first in the list, followed by all other libraries’ holdings as directed by this property.

Publication Year

The search will only locate titles published on, before, or after a particular year, or within a range of years. The publication year is from the DATE1 element of the fixed field 008, if present. If the program does not find a publication date there, it checks the 264|c field (if the second indicator is set to 1) and then the 260|c field. If no date is found, then each tag in the record with a data entry type of publication date is checked. The first non-empty tag with an entry type of publication date will be used for the publication date. If all tags with an entry type of publication date are empty, then the publication date field of the item will be empty.

The following operators can be used to qualify the publication year.

< Less than

> Greater than

= Equal to

< > Not equal to

<= Less than or equal to

>= Greater than or equal to

For example, you might qualify the publication year as follows.


Record View

An individual item or an item displayed from a list of search results using the view pane will display the specified bibliographic information under the description tab.

Templates for each format are defined in SirsiDynix Symphony policies. The following format selections are available.

Full – Displays complete information about the title.
Brief – Displays a minimum amount of title information.
All – Displays all of the title’s entries, including fixed field information.
Specified Entries – Displays a specific list of entry tags. If you select this option, you can add additional tags in the Entries field. Each tag is separated by a comma, for example, 100,245,260,520.

If you selected the All, Full, or Specified Entries option and want to display MARC holdings information, select the MARC Holdings check box in the helper properties.

Shadow Fields

The shadow catalog allows the library to retain full catalog records searchable only by library staff. For example, the library might want to hide or ”shadow” records that cannot be used by patrons such as lost or missing items or items still being cataloged by technical services that are not yet available to the public. Users at public workstations can search and display items only from the standard catalog. Users at staff workstations may search and display items in either the standard catalog or the shadow catalog. The shadow catalog also contains some title, call number, and copy records, which can be displayed only by library staff.

When qualifying a search or browse using the shadow catalog, Yes indicates that only items that have been shadowed at the title level will be searched. No indicates that shadowed titles will be excluded. Both searches all titles, whether they are shadowed or not.

When setting Display options, individual call numbers and copies will or will not be displayed based on your shadow selections.

As titles, call numbers, and copies are created, each level can be shadowed. Everything below the highest shadow level is shadowed; all copies and call numbers on a shadowed title are shadowed, all copies on a shadowed call number are shadowed. The status of any shadow level can be changed so that it moves from the standard catalog index to the shadow catalog, or from the shadow catalog to the standard catalog.

Note: Shadowed items do not display in title or author browse search. However, you can call number browse shadowed items.

Sort By

The Search or Browse lookup results will be sorted by the selected criteria. The following sort options are available.

None – Sorts results in any particular order. Results display in the order that they were entered into the catalog or last modified.
Author – Sorts by the first occurring author field in the record. Titles that do not include an author display first in the list. Main entry (1xx) and added entry (7xx) authors are combined in the sort.
Title – Sorts by the title statement (245) entry.
Subject – Sorts by the first occurring subject field in the record. All subject heading types, including topics, names, titles, and geographic headings (6xx) are combined in the sort.
Pub Year – Sorts with the earliest published titles first.
Reverse Pub Year – Sorts with the most recently published titles first.