Register New User Helper Properties

The Register New User helper allows you to set the following properties.

Changes you make to this helper’s properties apply globally whenever this helper is used.


On the Behavior tab, you can set up your system to allow these variations of the helper.


Select the following behavior properties.

Select the Auto-generated User ID check box to specify whether you want to generate a user ID automatically when registering a new user.
In the Default User ID Prefix box, enter the default user ID prefix (for example, 1888800). If a value is specified, the user only inputs those digits that are unique when completing the User ID field.
Select the appropriate check boxes to display the corresponding tabs in the New User Registration helper. For more information on the fields used in the New User Registration tabs, go to User Information Tabs.
Select the Allow Routing check box to allow serials to be routed to the user. If this field is not selected, routings cannot be created for the user.

Duplicate Searching

Select one of the following user duplication checking options.

Duplication Checking On – Performs user record duplication checking to see if the current user being registered is already in the user record database. When you select this option, the options under User Duplicate Searching become available.
Duplication Checking Off – Does not perform any user record duplication checking.

If you selected the Duplication Checking On option, the following options are available. You can select up to eight options. When you select a check box, the corresponding user record field is searched to see if the current user being registered could be a duplicate of an existing user record.

Day Phone
Email Address
Group ID
Home Phone
License Number
Lost Item
Social Security Number
Student ID
Work Phone

If your system is configured with the Outreach Services module:

Select the Show Outreach Tab check box to display outreach information in the Register New User helper.
Select the Add Outreach Info check box to add outreach information to the new user record.

Smart Card

Under Smart Card, select or clear the Prompt for Address# for Smart Card Data check box. If this check box is selected, upon registering a new user, the library staff member can indicate which user address (1, 2, or 3) contains the Smart Card information.

At End of Helper

Under At End of Helper, select one of the following options.

Show Checked Buttons – Specifies which command buttons display as choices for the helper’s final step.
Perform Selected Action – Specifies which action will be automatically performed as the helper’s final step.
Under Show, select or clear the appropriate check boxes to display these command buttons as the helper’s final step.
Make More Changes
Current Wizard Task (for example, if you are using the Register User helper in the Checkout wizard, the current task would be Checkout to User)
Under Perform, if you choose the Perform Selected Action option, the Current Wizard Task would be automatically performed as the helper’s final step.


On the Defaults tab, you can set defaults to customize your use of the helper.

Library — Select the library you want to use as the default. The libraries displayed in this list are specified in your library’s policies.
Profile Name — Select the default user profile you want to associate with the user record.
Charge History Rule – Select the option to determine whether or not charge history is to be maintained for the selected user.
NOHISTORY overrides the Save Charge History setting in the circulation rule, and does not keep history records for this user. This value is the default setting.
CIRCRULE creates charge history records for this user based on the circulation rule’s Save Charge History setting. If the Save Charge History check box is selected, charge history will be saved for this user when the user checks out an item that uses the circulation rule. If the check box is cleared, charge history will not be saved for the user when the user checks out an item that uses the circulation rule.
ALLCHARGES overrides the Save Charge History setting in the circulation rule and creates charge history records for every checkout by this user.

Note: The Charge History Rule property displays only in libraries that use the Charge History feature.

Track Charges as Favorites — If you select this option, the created users will have automatic charge tracking configured.
Focus On — Click either First Name or Last Name, and the cursor will focus on this field when you open this helper. Last Name is the default.
Addresses — Click the primary address field you want. The primary address is used for mailing notices to users. Also, the primary address field is used in Debt Collection reports to produce user and address information for collection agencies.
Under Demographics, select the values for the statistical information that you want to use as defaults when creating user records or modifying user information. The Demographics tab displays when creating user records or modifying user information.
User Category Fields – Categorizes users in groups for statistical purposes. Your library decides what type of information is used in these fields and labels them appropriately (for example, you can label a field Major).
Department – Identifies an optional, free-text statistical category that your library decides how to use. The label can be something other than ”Department,” and it can be configured not to display.
Birthyear – Identifies an optional, numeric statistical category that the library decides how to use, but usually contains the user’s birth year. The label can be something other than Birthyear, and it can be configured not to display.
Language – Identifies the language preferred by this user. Select a language from the drop-down list. Notices sent to the user will be in the specified language. The languages presented in this list are defined in the Language policy.
If your library has the Accountability module, you can set a user’s clearance under Accountability. (If your library does not have the Accountability module, this section does not display.) This field contains the level of clearance assigned to the user. The Clearance field is the first level of security a user must pass before classified items can be charged to the user. This field contains values defined in the policies by your system administrator. It should be noted that this field is required for SirsiDynix Symphony systems with an Accountability module. There must be a valid entry in the Clearance field when creating or modifying a user.
If your library does not have the Outreach Services module, this area does not display. If you are using the Outreach Services module and selected the Add Outreach Info check box in the Behavior tab, you can set the Outreach route and specify a limit for the total outreach items allowed in the Total Items Limit field. Values for the Outreach Route field are based on policies. The limit is 10.