Command Gadget

The Command gadget appears on the Transaction Selection tab. This gadget allows you to select a list of commands to be included in a transaction statistics report results.

To select commands

You can double-click a command name to easily move the command to and from the List to Choose From and List Selected panes

Command Statistics

When you are running a transaction statistics report, you collect statistics only on commands that are retained in the statistics logs. What finally determines whether or not you can get meaningful transaction statistics is if the transaction in the history log is extracted to the statistics log when the Create Statistics Logs (Statlog) report is run.

The following table lists some of the commands that provide statistics.

To Get History for These Functions:

Select These Commands:

Adding new volumes, call numbers, or copies

Add Item

Billing a user

Bill User

Checking out non-reserve, non-booking items

Charge Item

Checking out reserve desk items only

Charge Reserve

Checking out materials booking items

Charge Booking

Creating a serial control record

Create Control

Creating an order or orderline

Create Order

Adding a title, call number, or copy

Create Item

Creating an academic reserve record

Create Reserve

Creating a patron or staff user

Create User

Placing a hold

Create Hold

Creating a patron request

Create Request

Discharging or checking in a non-booking item

Discharge Item

Copying an existing user

Duplicate User

Modifying bound-with items

Edit Bound

Modifying due dates

Edit Circulation

Inventory on an item

Inventory item

Paying a user’s bill

Pay User

Renewing a single non-reserve item

Renew Item

Renewing an academic reserve charge

Renew Reserve

Renewing all or some of a user’s charges

Renew User

Removing a title, call number, or copy

Remove Item

Removing a reserve

Remove Reserve

Removing a patron or staff user

Remove User

Removing a hold

Remove Hold

Shipping items via Books by Mail

Modify Mail Shipping

Transferring an item to another library

Transfer Item

Trapped holds

Find Hold

Using a gateway element

Use Gateway

Updating the number of in-house uses

Use Item

User claims to have returned an item

Edit Circulation

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